Pitty Party
Boxers are super smart and super active. They learn really quickly what you will tolerate and what makes you upset. Doggie classes are worth their weight. They make great family members and are faithful to the very end. When you are having a bad day they know. There is nothing in the world like a boxer hug and anyone who has one knows what I mean. I read about a study and it said the owners of boxers can actually tell their boxer by its smell sort of like humans. The vets office loves to see Mopar just so everyone can get a boxer hug. Just be patient with her remember she is a baby and depends on you to love and teach her how to become a good grownup dog. Go to boxerworld.com. They are great people and you can learn so much from them....
It's funny.. My daughter told me I was wierd interacting the way I do with mine. She said, Dad you treat them like they are human. I said, they are. So today she's here doing her laundry and my pups are going at it in the middle of the living room. She's laughing at them like I do every day. I said, you see it's non stop entertaintement, she said yep.. Nuff said!
I love my pups..
Mopar, great name btw