I use to agree with that but after having my daughter and looking into centers I ended up going with a mother/daughter home daycare.
I found most of the centers that were affordable ($150 a week) to be dirty and not staffed well. The ones that were clean had a waiting list a mile long and averaged ($200 a week). The home daycare I ended up with cost $125 a week and I just loved the mother and daughter. My daughter was with them till she was 2 and the mom moved to another state. (my daughter is 5 now btw so I'm sure my prices are off)
Below is the website I used. They have a number you can call and give them your address and they will give you names and numbers of licensed daycare providers in your area.
I found that just calling and then going and interviewing the providers (sometimes several times) is the key. For me I have always gotten a good or bad vibe from people and so far I haven't been wrong.
Good Luck.