need small business start up advice..


good advice from all. Yes I may have had misspellings. Its just my forum post not my business cards or signs. I'm a detail kind of guy when it counts

It will be a car repair business. An item I believe is fully needed. Id love to offer an honest and cost effective place. I've seen way too many people ripped off at car dealers. Being Trustworthy and reliable to me are a start to successful relationships with people.
I'm sort of striving towards my dream. While I want to offer good honest auto repairs, id also be securing a better future for myself.

I see an opportunity that I believe I can capture a market for. Its not a novelty business I am looking at but more a service the community needs.

Too many people in my eyes don't really take much pride or care of there belongings or lifestyles. Id attribute that to some of the small business failures. If I fail ill be devastated . However if I sit on the couch each night thinking could have/should have than it may feel worse than failure.

I'm a realist. I believe life is difficult and unfair to working class stiffs. However I also take pride in my work and enjoy being a mechanic. Quality's like that I believe will earn my customers trust and will allow me to earn there business.
Initial costs up front for my set up I am working towards are low around 30k to start. Its a basic operation up front but will allow more focus of quality repairs and building up slow.

I hate to go into a business and see everyone patronizing it and the place is either an s-hole or they don't try hard to earn or keep your business. Some places just have that cool factor, people will flock to even if it sucks time after time.
Nothing is better than when someone goes out of there way at a business to help or accommodate you. Its unexpected and what id strive for as often as
possible if my own shop.

Thanks for reading and all opinions welcomed.
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