Need votes please


Well-Known Member
Can't vote anymore

Pet Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Checklist and Contest

Hey, Where Is the Voting Feature for the Extra $5,000 Grants?
We regret to inform you that we have had to discontinue the voting for this event due to, shall we say, "VERY DEDICATED" shelter fans who have managed to skew the voting through the use of "clever" software tricks. We felt that the results would not be fairly distributed and do disservice to our adoption partners, negatively impacting the integrity of the initiative. And we didn't want a weird version of the 2004 Presidential election to be repeated on our site.

We are currently working on a system to restrict voting to individual Petfinder visitors--like you.

We will repeat this initiative at a later date (with lessons learned). We've been struggling to come up with a resolution that is fair to everyone and the Foundation has agreed to randomly select two of the adoption groups that were nominated to receive this grant. Please accept our apologies. We want to be fair to everyone. Finally, THANK YOU for supporting your adoption groups.


Pet Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Checklist and Contest

Hey, Where Is the Voting Feature for the Extra $5,000 Grants?
We regret to inform you that we have had to discontinue the voting for this event due to, shall we say, "VERY DEDICATED" shelter fans who have managed to skew the voting through the use of "clever" software tricks. We felt that the results would not be fairly distributed and do disservice to our adoption partners, negatively impacting the integrity of the initiative. And we didn't want a weird version of the 2004 Presidential election to be repeated on our site.

We are currently working on a system to restrict voting to individual Petfinder visitors--like you.

We will repeat this initiative at a later date (with lessons learned). We've been struggling to come up with a resolution that is fair to everyone and the Foundation has agreed to randomly select two of the adoption groups that were nominated to receive this grant. Please accept our apologies. We want to be fair to everyone. Finally, THANK YOU for supporting your adoption groups.

That is sad.