Need your opinions



Originally posted by cmcdanal
yeah, but are you sure there aren't a bunch of little JH's running around somewhere?
Positive, the evidence was always done away with safely. :wink:


Originally posted by cariblue
See, that's just it. I don't think my daughter is stupid. She's quite realistic. She has always been more mature than her peers. Even when she was little she preferred being around people older. I guess I just have a little nerd.
That's because of her momma! You should be proud! :wink:


Originally posted by justhangn
:confused: I never did anything that wasn't plain fun to do and never did anything that would get people killed. :shrug:
Unfortunately in todays world.... Casual sex can get ya killed bubba. :wink:


Originally posted by PFgal
Definitely!! Door open policy is best!

I grew up with an open door policy. And we had to watch TV in MY PARENT'S BEDROOM. AND there was the possibility of them passing the doorway on the way to the bathroom. AND he had to be out of the house around 9pm.

Didn't stop a thing! If kids want to do it, they will. The closed door is bothersome because I know what could easily be going on, but there is a big block of time from when he gets out of school and we get home that he can do whatever he wants. Why would he wait until we're home?

Like I said earlier on this thread, this is another issue altogether, and it has been debated here at home more than once.


Rebeka... As the Mom of three teenagers I would never want to hurt another Momma. It's a tough job and believe me when I say, I've made my share of mistakes!

I do feel however, that the philosophy "they're gonna do it anyway" Is a cop out. :wink:


Originally posted by cariblue
You're in denial. They will. They may be 13, 15 or 18 when it happens but trust me, it will happen. Then pop's gonna be out there looking for Bucky or Ray with a shotgun.
I don't really expect my babies to be virgins when they are 40 but I do try like heck to hold back those flood waters right now. :wink:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rebeka
We have a standing rule that the teenager's friends are out of the house at 10pm, our bedtime/quiet time.
Here is your answer, if it is a "standing rule" then shouldn't it stand. Otherwise your rules mean nothing.


Re: Re: Need your opinions

Originally posted by Ken King
Here is your answer, if it is a "standing rule" then shouldn't it stand. Otherwise your rules mean nothing.

Ken! As always, the voice of reason!

However, the other side of the argument was that it wasn't clearly a standing rule applied to weekends because weekends are treated differently in other areas. So, is it a gray area and the rule be bent, or do you dig in your heals and say 'tough, rules are rules'?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:howdy: rebeka!

First of all, our kids don't have TVs or computers or anything like that in their bedrooms. There's no reason for it and I'm a control freak who wants to monitor what they're watching and surfing. The kids take their friends down in the basement family room to watch movies or listen to music or whatever teen people do, where parents and sisters are running through. When they complain about lack of privacy, I tell them to get their own apartment. :shrug:

Second, I'm with the folks that said cut some slack for a first offense. But NO SLACK for a second time. I also agree with Ken that if you don't enforce your rules, they're meaningless. And I agree with you about the "gray area". So after all that wishy-washiness, when it's been me and my kids I let them "misunderstand" the rules one time. After that, I have no qualms about embarrassing them in front of their friends because I feel like they did that to themselves.

Third and last, there is no condoning of teen sex in our house, either directly or indirectly - period. I don't care if "they're gonna do it anyway" - they definitely won't be doing it with any cooperation on my part.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If you left gray areas in the rules then fix them, make them known, and then enforce them. But if the rule simply was no friends in the house after ten and you didn't say "except weekends" then I see it is the kid that has the gray area and not the rule makers, giving into them now means that they know and can play you like a finely tuned piano.


:clap: Wow! You all have given us a plethora of ideas on how we can better handle these situations. And the kid thought *we* were strict!

He got reminded today that the bedroom door is supposed to stay open when he has female guests. He wasn't pleased. :wah:


Football season!
Originally posted by rebeka
:clap: Wow! You all have given us a plethora of ideas on how we can better handle these situations. And the kid thought *we* were strict!

He got reminded today that the bedroom door is supposed to stay open when he has female guests. He wasn't pleased. :wah:

Parents are not put on this planet for the convenience of the kids


Originally posted by SmallTown
Parents are not put on this planet for the convenience of the kids
ST... I'm not sure what it is about this post but I feel like I just got a major wake up call! Thanks! :smile:


New Member
watch the whole movie, no sex, no prob with computers in kids rooms or tv's for that each their own,