I'm for that...
2ndAmendment said:
The corporations and businesses and foreign trade should be taxed and the income of citizens should not. Taxing the income of citizens is where double taxation comes in. Since there are far fewer businesses than people, enforcement and auditing of proper payment of taxes would be more viable.
...right after we make it so the only people that can vote are the people who own or operate majority shares of companies.
After all, it would make keeping track of votes and politicians much more 'viable' because there's less of us.
I'm gonna tell all of you right here and right now that this third party everyone seems to want will come to major being in one election cycle if you all would simply vote for who you WANT as opposed to who you don't.
We know, fact certain, that a great deal of Democratic voters did NOT want John Kerry yet they voted for him anyway as a vote AGAINST W. So, what did they get?
W won anyway and they're stuck with John Kerry thinking they love him.
If Kerry had lost by some 20,000,000 votes because our leftists voted for Dean and Kucinich, Democrats wouldn't have to put up with him anymore.
People voted FOR W in 2000 because they were sick of Slick Willy and Gore was not his own man enough to over come that. Gore should have won that race going away.
2008 provides a unique opportunity; a full race. No Whitehouse backed headstart (unless Cheney runs). No incumbent running for a second term.
There is absolutely no reason to NOT vote for who you really want this time around:
An Indy.
You name them.
If you keep voting against someone, by definition, you'll never get who you want.