Super Genius
Larry Gude said:...let's get into the nuts and bolts of this 'third' way, this new party.
What do you all want to see on the following issues:
Taxes - Flat tax or fed sales tax
Iraq - I think we're generally on the right path and it will be a non-issue for the next election
War with Terrrorists - take the gloves off
Social Security - "privatize" it and make it optional...you opt out, don't look for hand-outs when you retire.
Energy policy - somebody that doesn't look at the quick fix...look at the entire energy cycle: collection, refining (if needed), distribution, storage, waste, etc. Make the entire cycle efficient, not just one part.
Civil Rights - no more affirmative action
Judges - someone who believes in the Constitution as it was written, not how they think it should be applied in today's society
The Environment - see energy policy
Healthcare - Pay for it your own damn self! In fact, I don't even want companies providing health insurance for employees.
Immigration - lock down the borders, get rid of the born-in-the-US-automatic-citizenship, streamline/fix the process for legal immigration