Networking Question (for internet sharing)


tirdun said:
Point is, when I scanned for local networks, I got 3! It seems 2 of my friend's neighbors were apparently running open wireless connections to the internet.

Did you check to see if they were encrypted? Just because you can pick up the signal from someone elses wireless network doesn't mean you will be able to use it.


staring into the abyss
XP listed them as "unencrypted, open networks" when I scanned.

I had set up the router as unencrypted just to make sure everything was working, and then locked it down. XP's scan definitely shows open router connections differently than encrypted ones.


But wait, there's more...

:yay: :yay: to the wireless networking/internet sharing via Linksys router and network card thingy! DQ's pc is up and running now. :smile:

:boo: :boo: to Linksys' non-engrish-speaking (even after selecting option '1' for "English") "technical support professionals" who told me to return the "faulty" equipment vs. just resetting it. :rolleyes:

Thanks again for the suggestions! :cheers:


New Member
Just a side note: I'm really getting tired of all the customer service reps that answer the phone and cannot speak any additional english than what is printed on their cue-cards. It make me angry that we have so many qualified individuals without jobs, whereas, some guy thousands of miles from here claims to understand exactly what I'm saying. Sheesh!


But wait, there's more...
duzzey1 said:
Just a side note: I'm really getting tired of all the customer service reps that answer the phone and cannot speak any additional english than what is printed on their cue-cards. It make me angry that we have so many qualified individuals without jobs, whereas, some guy thousands of miles from here claims to understand exactly what I'm saying. Sheesh!

:clap: :clap: AMEN! I don't think one single foriegner should be employed within our borders until every American who CAN hold a job is employeed. I'd be curious to know how many Americans are (legally) employed by other companies abroad.


New Member
crabcake said:
:clap: :clap: AMEN! I don't think one single foriegner should be employed within our borders until every American who CAN hold a job is employeed. I'd be curious to know how many Americans are (legally) employed by other companies abroad.

Probably none crabcake! The sad part is that they are paid virtually nothing, and the comapnies make out like fat rats. Of course we are the ones that have to suffer! When I get one of those guys on the phone, I ask them to keep repeating the same thing over and over again. Sometimes they screw their english up. Makes me laugh! :lmao:


I agree with your Crabcake however, we are partially to blame. US Consumers are constantly demanding lower prices for things and/or free support. Companies need to make a profit - maybe not a huge, stick it to the customer profit, but they deserve a profit. Unfortunately that often means cutting your expenses and most people know that human resources is usually the highest expense of a business. Otherwise why would so many local stores close when Wally World moves in?