

I bowl overhand
sleuth said:
Out of all the job boards, is the best, and they only have a 4% fill rate. Usually the best jobs are unadvertised.

I would recommend joining and becoming active in a local chapter of a professional organization devoted to Program Management, etc. You can find them by asking your reference librarian.

I'm just starting to do that stuff here, and I'm finding that I have a lot more job leads than I ever did thru job boards. ??


wandering aimlessly
pixiegirl said:
program/management/financial analyst.....

I'll keep my eyes open for you. A friend in the office is waiting to hear if she got a new job in DC. She's a program analyst. I'll let you know.


I bowl overhand
sleuth said:

And membership fees look cheap - only $20 :yay: And they have their own private job board.

I also read somewhere that job boards like this ("niche" boards) have a fill rate of 17%, 4x higher than Monster.
$100 for initial Membership PLUS $20 for local.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
itsbob said:
$100 for initial Membership PLUS $20 for local.
Oops! :blushing: Missed that.

I still stand by my suggestion though. I think it's a good investment.
And if it gets you a better job with a higher salary just a few days earlier than without it, you've recouped your investment.


But wait, there's more...
sleuth said:
Oops! :blushing: Missed that.

I still stand by my suggestion though. I think it's a good investment.
And if it gets you a better job with a higher salary just a few days earlier than without it, you've recouped your investment.
A lot of 'professional' jobs like to see that you've got a professional organization membership (shows commitment and long-term 'buy in' to your field). I used to do PRSA but there was another one that a colleague mentioned that is along the same lines, but I can't remember what it is. :confused: They sometimes offer pretty good conferences/training seminars for a reduced price to members as well. :yay:


Twenty Something
crabcake said:
I used to do PRSA but...

Public Relations Society of America? I'm doing a paper on Public Relations for my mass comm class, and I have to include what all is entailed in the job, avg. salaries, future growth, skills needed, etc.....