New-Better Late Than Never


mainman said:
No you did not... Where at?
Suitland Rd. (that's the one across from the main gate right?) Not too far up past the neighborhoods. There is, or was at least, a 7-11 across the street sitting caddy (sp?) corner. The was a little strip mall thing right next to it and apartment buildings diagonal from it. Ring a bell? It was called "Allen's Sunoco".


Set Trippin
camily said:
Suitland Rd. (that's the one across from the main gate right?) Not too far up past the neighborhoods. There is, or was at least, a 7-11 across the street sitting caddy (sp?) corner. The was a little strip mall thing right next to it and apartment buildings diagonal from it. Ring a bell? It was called "Allen's Sunoco".
Pretty much at the end of Homer Avenue I believe... I remember the place... I don't even think the building is there anymore...


mainman said:
Pretty much at the end of Homer Avenue I believe... I remember the place... I don't even think the building is there anymore...
I don't know. All I know is it was on the left and 7-11 was on the right. He sold it in the mid 80's I believe. Then they had a car and truck rental business in the Holiday Inn across from base then moved it to the Days Inn on maybe Auth Rd.?


Set Trippin
camily said:
I don't know. All I know is it was on the left and 7-11 was on the right. He sold it in the mid 80's I believe. Then they had a car and truck rental business in the Holiday Inn across from base then moved it to the Days Inn on maybe Auth Rd.?
Oh I know where you're at now... What a nice area that is...:yay:


mainman said:
Oh I know where you're at now... What a nice area that is...:yay:
Tell me about it. Even then I couldn't count on both hands how many times he got called in the middle of the night due to some thug breaking in. Once they even came through the ceiling!!


Set Trippin
camily said:
Tell me about it. Even then I couldn't count on both hands how many times he got called in the middle of the night due to some thug breaking in. Once they even came through the ceiling!!
I was up that way a few weeks back...



mainman said:
I was up that way a few weeks back...

I haven't been there in ages. My my grew up on Shadyside Avenue I believe. You turn right not far before the Census Bureau and it's down that road a bit.


Set Trippin
camily said:
I haven't been there in ages. My my grew up on Shadyside Avenue I believe. You turn right not far before the Census Bureau and it's down that road a bit.
I used to hang out over there... A guy I grew up with got shot and killed a few years back down off of shadyside....


Set Trippin
camily said:
Sounds right. They would have probably been Macnamara (sp?) boys.
:yay: I did not actually run with them, but I knew of them.. A whole S-load of them if I remember correctly.. Mike and Angelo... are names ring familiar....


mainman said:
:yay: I did not actually run with them, but I knew of them.. A whole S-load of them if I remember correctly.. Mike and Angelo... are names ring familiar....
OMG! Yes! They're my cousins. :lmao:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
camily said:
Sounds right. They would have probably been Macnamara (sp?) boys.

:howdy: My brothers were McNamara boys and I have the joy of sitting smack in the middle of Suitland right now. :smile:


Mrs. Jones said:
:howdy: My brothers were McNamara boys and I have the joy of sitting smack in the middle of Suitland right now. :smile:
Lucky you! Can you verify whether or not my dads old station is still standing?


Material Girl
PREMO Member
K_Jo and I will have to make a road trip one day. I've been taking 4 all the way to Silver Hill because Suitland Road is full of pot holes.