Super Genius
Well, after riding 2-up to Morton's (which was a little painful, BTW), I got to ride a BMW R1200GS. It did take a bit of getting used to, but it was a really nice ride. It was much smoother than the YZF while cruising, but it was a bit of a paint shaker at idle and takeoff (yes, I was lugging it a bit). I was surprised that I needed to give it some gas to start out (since the YZF will pull at idle), but since it's throttle is not as touchy as the YZF, it's easy to give it some throttle and not take off like a rocket. The bike turned effortlessly (although, I didn't get to take it through any high-speed twisties) and was very comfortable...especially compared to the YZF.
I was looking at getting one that I saw in FL, but it turns out that they messed up the options in the description, so I'm not getting that. I'm looking at ordering a 2008
I was looking at getting one that I saw in FL, but it turns out that they messed up the options in the description, so I'm not getting that. I'm looking at ordering a 2008