I'm registered Republican.... Not a democrat
Since I'm the candidate I can explain the animal control paragraph...
The legislative night I was talking about took place at Calvert Pines Senior Center... The group from "Dogs Deserve Better" were there. The owner of that horse that got attached by a pack of dogs was also there.
We should have laws that protect animals from humans. We shouldn't be chaining dogs 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. We also shouldn't be sticking dogs in a cage 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year... or starving them to death... or beating them...
We should have laws that protect humans from animals... that horse was killed by the dogs... it was so sad... If animal control would have enforced the laws on the books it could have probably been prevented.... but... there have been plenty of children and adults mauled by dogs....
We should have laws that protect humans from humans... lets face it... as soon as we pass barking dog regulations, somebody with a grudge against their neighbor [who happens to own a dog], is going to complain about the barking. On the other hand there are plenty of dog owners who must be deaf and don't hear their dogs barking and barking and barking and barking and barking and barking... well you should get the picture by now...
Any other questions?