New computer time...

What should I get?

  • Time for a Mac

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Slog on with MS

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • Other...please describe...

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...coming up.

We've got one computer totally hosed due to virus's. One laptop that has a dead hard drive. Another one that has all sorts of issues and this one that does wiggy stuff all the time including a new desire to no longer send e mail via outlook; just recieve.

Amdist this carnage my office box is running fine every since I added a gig of ram.

Add to this the bad press Vista is getting.

I am an average user, I guess, of modest computer skills and, I guess, fairly typical 'puter needs. And I like/am used to Office.

What do the people think?


New Member
Build up a PC, or get an Alienware PC and put Linux on there, MS blows, and Macs like the iPod are just overpriced fancy versions of this already out, but they really aren't that special. IMO

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But I scared...

slaphappynmd said:
Build up a PC, or get an Alienware PC and put Linux on there, MS blows, and Macs like the iPod are just overpriced fancy versions of this already out, but they really aren't that special. IMO

...of big words like Linux. Is that over the head of an average Joe?


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...of big words like Linux. Is that over the head of an average Joe?

I don't think so, I know what people think of me, so I say this with a chuckle, if slappy can do it, anybody can, I use FC6, nice interface and it basically loads itself.


Larry Gude said:
...coming up.

We've got one computer totally hosed due to virus's. One laptop that has a dead hard drive. Another one that has all sorts of issues and this one that does wiggy stuff all the time including a new desire to no longer send e mail via outlook; just recieve.

Amdist this carnage my office box is running fine every since I added a gig of ram.

Add to this the bad press Vista is getting.

I am an average user, I guess, of modest computer skills and, I guess, fairly typical 'puter needs. And I like/am used to Office.

What do the people think?

I'm certainly not trying to sell a name here. My house has all Dells (4 of them). I use mine for writing and recording music. So it has to be a pretty robust machine and it handles it just fine. I think no matter what you get, buy the extended service agreements. When one of my puters crashed (due to viruses) I called dell and they spent hours with me on the phone salvaging needed files and rebuilding my machine. I know a lot of folks have had some really bad experiences with Dell customer service but I haven't. They have always done me right.

I use Windows XP. I refuse to go to Vista until I am confident they have ironed out all the bugs.

The newer Macs (iMac) are nice. Everything right in the monitor (hard drive, interfaces, etc...); no tower. I happen to think they are reasonably priced. I may go that route on my next buy (because they work better with processing audio). And they have less vulnerabilities than PCs (that may change as more of them get out there). My dad, who is 75 years old, went from PC to Mac recently and was pretty intimidated with the big change but had no problem converting (with a little help). And they provide an intergrated Windows OS (XP or Vista; your choice) if you are wanting to stay within that world.


slaphappynmd said:
Build up a PC, or get an Alienware PC and put Linux on there, MS blows, and Macs like the iPod are just overpriced fancy versions of this already out, but they really aren't that special. IMO
I agree MS has it's problems but it's more related to the fact that they are an easy target because there are so many (especially in the government). I don't us Linux, not for any particular reason except maybe comfort.

There has to be a reason why Linux just can't seem to get off the ground. I know a lot of folks use it but it's still way behind the market curve.


New Member
I'd say that just because a couple of your computers are messing up doesn't warrant getting a new one necessarily. Usually reinstalling windows will take care of your problem, especially if its just virus infested/software acting funny. One you hit BSODs is where you might look into a new computer, otherwise, reinstall OS, maybe add some memory and it will be just like new


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry, if you go to Mac you're going to have to spend a fortune on software that's compatible. Not to mention that many of the programs you use (Argus, for one) are not made for Macs.

95% of the computing world uses Windows. Be a nonconformist at your own peril.

The laptop needs a new hard drive.

The girls' computer needs a complete reformat and clean reinstall because of all the viruses they download because they don't keep their virus protection up to date. Reformat, reinstall Windows and it will be good as new. Just back up all their music first.

The upstairs computer was running fine just a couple months ago, so not sure what the problem is with that. Try dumping the cache and run a defrag - see if that helps.


vraiblonde said:
Larry, if you go to Mac you're going to have to spend a fortune on software that's compatible. Not to mention that many of the programs you use (Argus, for one) are not made for Macs.

95% of the computing world uses Windows. Be a nonconformist at your own peril.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but the Macs come with a Windows OS and you can load you Windows-compatible software on your Mac.

The laptop needs a new hard drive.

The girls' computer needs a complete reformat and clean reinstall because of all the viruses they download because they don't keep their virus protection up to date. Reformat, reinstall Windows and it will be good as new. Just back up all their music first.

The upstairs computer was running fine just a couple months ago, so not sure what the problem is with that. Try dumping the cache and run a defrag - see if that helps.

I would also recommend getting a variety of Adware/Spyware software (i.e. Spybot, Adaware, AVG) to scan your computer. You’ll find that some eliminate what others don’t. You can get most of these free from their websites or from They require routine updating of their definitions just like your anti-virus software does.

Also, run these scans in Safe Mode.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
I would also recommend getting a variety of Adware/Spyware software (i.e. Spybot, Adaware, AVG) to scan your computer. You’ll find that some eliminate what others don’t. You can get most of these free from their websites or from They require routine updating of their definitions just like your anti-virus software does.
All computers that used to be under my watchful eye (the computers Larry is talking about) have anti-virus and several spyware programs installed. The problem is that they need to actually be run every once in a while, and they need to be updated regularly.

Regarding Macs, supposedly they come with a Windows OS that can run Windows programs, but people I've spoken to say that doesn't really work 100% and some programs lose functionality.


vraiblonde said:
All computers that used to be under my watchful eye (the computers Larry is talking about) have anti-virus and several spyware programs installed. The problem is that they need to actually be run every once in a while, and they need to be updated regularly.

Sounds like all homes (with kids; no not you Larry) are the same. I told my son, when we got his computer that I will try to keep his PC as clean as I possibly can, but if he decides to go to websites that he doesn't know what they are, then he risks destroying his computer and I WILL NOT fix it. Of course it's a lose-lose because he does need for homework. He's been pretty good about it though.

Regarding Macs, supposedly they come with a Windows OS that can run Windows programs, but people I've spoken to say that doesn't really work 100% and some programs lose functionality.

Mac users swear by Mac and will take every opportunity to denigrate PCs and their users. Since I don't own a Mac I couldn't honestly say. I do know my dad is very happy with his as compared to his PC. He had nothing but problems with his PC. So he is much more at peace in the computer world now. I'm pretty convinced I will be buying a Mac the next time around; although I am very concerned about converting my music from PC to Mac. Not sure how much of a problem that might be. A risk I'm willing to take for a more stable puter environment.
Larry Gude said:
...coming up.

We've got one computer totally hosed due to virus's. One laptop that has a dead hard drive. Another one that has all sorts of issues and this one that does wiggy stuff all the time including a new desire to no longer send e mail via outlook; just recieve.

Amdist this carnage my office box is running fine every since I added a gig of ram.

Add to this the bad press Vista is getting.

I am an average user, I guess, of modest computer skills and, I guess, fairly typical 'puter needs. And I like/am used to Office.

What do the people think?

See my avatar. You need to come to the other side. :elaine: :yay:


New Member
Yeah buddy, Vista is not for stupid users. And it is a minority of people who love Vista. I love being a minority!


vraiblonde said:
All computers that used to be under my watchful eye (the computers Larry is talking about) have anti-virus and several spyware programs installed. The problem is that they need to actually be run every once in a while, and they need to be updated regularly.

Regarding Macs, supposedly they come with a Windows OS that can run Windows programs, but people I've spoken to say that doesn't really work 100% and some programs lose functionality.

I have a new Macbook and it runs both mac os and windows xp. The windows side runs windows faster than my wife's new HP. (Of course the mac side is super fast as well) I have not run across any incompatibilities and there shouldn't be any as it is really running windows, it is not like the old virtual pc program that many mac users used in the past, which was slow and cumbersome and very incompatible.

There are two programs that one could use to run windows on a mac. One is Boot Camp and the problem with it is that you can only boot up from one or the other operating system. Parallels, the other program, allows you to have both operating systems running at the same time.

While most of the new macs have the ability to do run windows, not all do, so make sure you are getting one that can. My wife, who is a lifelong windows user, is planning on getting a mac for her next computer, since she can still do what she needs to do on windows side with it.

My best,


Larry Gude said:
What do the people think?

I think if you're getting a new computer then you should give your virus infested one to me. I can nurse it back to health and put it to good use.

As for I think you should do: someone had mentioned alienware. I concur. They're kind of expensive, but totally worth it. An alienware computer is in my future ... someday


Larry Gude said:
...of big words like Linux. Is that over the head of an average Joe?

Linux is no harder to learn than anything else.

And it's really good if you are tired of all your hardware being readily supported.


New Member
PsyOps said:
I agree MS has it's problems but it's more related to the fact that they are an easy target because there are so many (especially in the government). I don't us Linux, not for any particular reason except maybe comfort.

There has to be a reason why Linux just can't seem to get off the ground. I know a lot of folks use it but it's still way behind the market curve.

The only reason I see is because there isn't a lot of profit to be made off of Linux, it is free to everyone, so large computer corporations see no reason to offer it, whats in it for them. They could make money from offering support for their particular flavor of Linux, but at the same time, when somebody wants to buy a computer they don't want to pay for support, it is expected to be included.


New Member
Toxick said:
Linux is no harder to learn than anything else.

And it's really good if you are tired of all your hardware being readily supported.

Yeah, right now though, Vista and Linux could be put into that same category of hardware not being supported, I tried hooking my video camera up to my comp with Vista, no go, drivers are fine but Vista doesn't like it. Works fine with XP though. So if you go buy a new computer, unless you can get XP on it, Linux and Vista will both surfice.


slaphappynmd said:
Yeah, right now though, Vista and Linux could be put into that same category of hardware not being supported, I tried hooking my video camera up to my comp with Vista, no go, drivers are fine but Vista doesn't like it.

I haven't used vista, so I can't speak for or against it. I've seen it. It looks pretty, but that's as far as I'm willing to say.

I do find it hard to believe that drivers and hardware support would be an issue for Vista however. Especially hardware that works in a previous version of Windows. Microsoft clings to backwards compatability to a fault. So it seems unlikely that stuff would work for an older one and then disappear....

I don't doubt what you're saying... and you're not the first person who's told me this. I am just having a hard time wrapping my brain around it because this is a new problem with them.

This being the case I would heartily recommend XP R2 over Vista and Linux.

I don't know much about Mac... but I do know that most Mac users are annoying as ####, and I wouldn't want to see that happen to anyone. :elaine: