New contest.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

river rat said:
You get banned from a site because you don't share the same opinion :confused: that is rather harsh and a little unDEMOCRATIC. They should try the karma plan :jet:

The DU has it's own rules, as does any forum, and some of theirs are that if you don't share the same progressive ideas and progressive mindset as the group then you are not welcome. It's perhaps the most honest hardcore leftist site on the web.

That they either choose to not note the irony and protest themselves or simply don't get it is a fascinating question in and of itself.


In My Opinion
Larry is correct, the DU has their own set of rules and they are up front with them right from the start.
They have the right to run their forum any way that they see fit.

I just have fun seeing how many posts I can get before I get banned.

Democratic Underground is an online community for Democrats and other progressives. Members are expected to be generally supportive of progressive ideals, and to support Democratic candidates for political office.

We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. If you think overall that George W. Bush is doing a swell job, or if you wish to see Republicans win, or if you are generally supportive of conservative ideals, please do not register to post, as you will likely be banned.
see? its very clear to me.

river rat

sushisamba said:
I'm still pizzed someone gave me read for liking pb&j.

Hey! At least there was a motive....they didn't like pb&j.
Sometimes there is nothing to disapprove and red karma is dished out.:ohwell:

river rat

Larry and bcp

Thanks for the clear explanations, however I still don't feel compelled to visit the DU.
I am afraid I may implode after having read some of their discussions.

I excite easily, this explains my dry humor in my posts, ie. karma plan.

That's all for now.


About a year ago, I registered, my posts were deleted and I got banned.

Then I re-registered under a different name, and got banned for citing the first amendment, and asking how any self-respecting tolerant liberal would stand for censorship and the silencing of differing opinions, and then they deleted those posts and banned my work IP address.

Then I re-registered when I got home, and made the same rant, which got my IP from home banned as well.

I could probably re-register now from here, but why bother? I've had my fun with them.

Let them fester and hate themselves and their country. If they want to be miserable, let them. I figure that most of them will come to their senses when they get into their twenties, and get jobs and start paying taxes, and they will wander off and have productive lives, and vote with their brains instead of their bile.

And they'll be happily replaced with other young rebels without a clue and sundry malcontents who will regurgitate the entire cycle.


MMDad said:
I'm trying, and they are spouting crap, but they won't ban me! Damn left wing cowards!

Beat one in an argument (should be easy).

You'll be banned faster than you can say "compassionate conservative".


vraiblonde said:
:yahoo: I'm a real American twice over! They've got my IP from home AND work banned - I can't even register anymore.


Actually, I think it might have been Larry that got my home IP banned. Lucky for them we're cable and static. :lol:
As always!<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Try this:

MMDad said:
I'm trying, and they are spouting crap, but they won't ban me! Damn left wing cowards!

"Well, if we'd have just gotten rid of Clinton, Al would be finishing up his second term right now! He used us. We messed up."

Then start the countdown.

Or, if you're in a hurry;

"Well, the people of Alaska want to open up ANWR, so..."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
got banned for citing the first amendment, and asking how any self-respecting tolerant liberal would stand for censorship and the silencing of differing opinions, and then they deleted those posts and banned my work IP address.
THAT made me laugh out loud :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
"Well, if we'd have just gotten rid of Clinton, Al would be finishing up his second term right now! He used us. We messed up."
They are in a quandry because apparently some Leftists heckled Clinton at a speech and called him a war criminal for sending troops to Bosnia.

Their first inclination was to insist that the heckler was a Republican Clinton-hater. Then one of the actual hecklers got on and explained his views - that Clinton is no better than Bush and he hates ALL Presidents who send troops into battle.

So now they're all going "uh...uh..." because they've been very clear that they hate war, but they are still loathe to criticize Clinton. Eventually they fell back on the old "Freeper in disguise" theory that seems to be the basis of all of their "arguments".

Our phrase for today is "cognitive dissonance", which I mentioned in another thread.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think NOT...

Toxick said:
Let them fester and hate themselves and their country. If they want to be miserable, let them. I figure that most of them will come to their senses when they get into their twenties, and get jobs and start paying taxes, and they will wander off and have productive lives, and vote with their brains instead of their bile.

And they'll be happily replaced with other young rebels without a clue and sundry malcontents who will regurgitate the entire cycle.

I spent enough time over there to get to get a feel for a good number of posters.

Understand this; There is a hardcore left in this country. These people call themselves 'progressives' which is akin to the Klan calling themselves the Rainbow Coalition. These folks are of all ages and all socio economic backgrounds. They are the people who believe in their hearts that socialism and communism are, at base, sound ideas that have simply not been implemented correctly and have been corrupted by non believers over the years.

They are the people who may not hurt a fly which is where they draw their sense of moral superiority and validation. That their ideology has ALWAYS resulted in mass murder is simple coincidence due to the 'plan' being corrupted.

Our nation allows for them, allows for anyone, as long as you live by the Constitution. Understand this also; just because the Constitution makes room for them, that does not mean they reciprocate. If you look at their ideology, if you look at their response to valid criticism, they are hostile to the very thing that lets them be who they are.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Word of the day...

cognitive dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation.

if someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that prior knowledge — they are likely to resist the new learning.

and—counter-intuitively, perhaps—if learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless, pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned".

This is why people get banned at DU; for bringing pain. This is, at core, where ideas like hate speech legislation and fairness doctrines come from; confronting reality actually causes some people actual pain.