New Enterprise Campaign Ad.


Lem Putt
JPC said:

The real world means only District 29B, to me. :whistle:

Oh good. For I while there I thought you actually wanted to go to Annapolis. Now that I understand better, it is clear that you are running for delegate of district 29B in 29B county, the state of 29B, in the United States of 29B on planet 29B. When you talk about closing "the base" are you really talking about a starbase that you imagine is on your planet?


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:coffee: Anyone can see the paper for free at any local library.
I honestly dont frequent the library too often. I have a card, but I dont think I have used it in years.

What I have frequented on a regular basis is a book store that I purchase books from. I also purchase them from the internet when Im looking for first edition prints of various authors.

I have a room in my house that is roughly 15X20ft with a 10 ft ceiling. The walls are covered with golden oak book shelves from floor to ceiling, I have a ladder that rolls around the room so you can reach those books on top.

now, the room is not filled, but I do have close to 4000 books at this time.

I have a stereo with 6 in ceiling speakers that I play classical music on while hiding away in the room reading.

all you have to do is get a job and you too can build a library of your own.

just a benifit of working ones backside off for so many years.
I think that almost all of the posters here are able to do the same thing if they choose.
You might be the only one that relies on the library to the extent that you do.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Oz said:
A more appropriate question is if you don't like feedback on your ideas and comments, why are you a candidate for public office?

:bigwhoop: I do like the feed back here. My point is that the Enterprise ad does not give posters a direct feeb back like here on the Forum.

The Editorial section of the Enterprise is a great place to write people's opinions. The Editor does not print any childish name calling trash though, FYI. Also that is putting one's name out into the public areana and so think about it before doing it.

I have written a number of Editorials over the years and I am a candidate for public office because I am confident that I can stand the public response to my campaign and to my platform.

:wench: ------------------ :lmao:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
The Editorial section of the Enterprise is a great place to write people's opinions. The Editor does not print any childish name calling trash though, FYI. Also that is putting one's name out into the public areana and so think about it before doing it.
Even without the terms of passion that you choose to refer to as (childish name calling trash) do you think that any person in their sane mind is going to see things the way you do?
I will say this for you though, If you take your misguided thoughts to some of the lower income Baltimore city areas, you might be able to get enough support to actually win a position of some sort there.
I really doubt that you will recieve any more votes than you have friends voting for you.

JPC said:
I have written a number of Editorials over the years and I am a candidate for public office because I am confident that I can stand the public response to my campaign and to my platform.
I have written a few Editorials myself over the years, I hold a higher degree from ODU, Have worked in upper management and currently own my own business,,, yet, I dont think that I am a good choice for a public office because I know I would try to push certain policies that I would like to see, verses what would actaully be good for the general public.

The difference between My wanting to run and Your actually running is no more complicated that my ability to admit that I am not what is needed in any public office.

What is it about you that makes things different? Why are you a good choice?
This is the question that you constantly fail to answer, and until you get serious and tell people what is really on your mind, and what is really your driving force, dont expect to recieve too much in the way of respect.

I just can put it any more simply.

So, you dont like the name calling, fine.
In this post I have given you exactly what you asked for.
I gave you my input, and my thoughts, and if taken as such, suggestions that might help you gain some respect.

What is your response to this?
Can we as a group be privilaged to the reason that you are a valid choice when it comes to the vote?

Oh, and guess what.
see, I do happen to live in Davidsonville, however, I do own property for investment purposes in the very district that you are running in,, and, If I choose to do so, I can vote in your district.

Funny how some things work out isnt it?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

bcp said:
... ... ...

What is it about you that makes things different? Why are you a good choice?
This is the question that you constantly fail to answer, and until you get serious and tell people what is really on your mind, and what is really your driving force, dont expect to recieve too much in the way of respect.

I just can put it any more simply.
... ... ...

What is your response to this?
Can we as a group be privilaged to the reason that you are a valid choice when it comes to the vote?

... ... ...

Funny how some things work out isnt it?

:popcorn: I really have been putting the info down hard here and some fine responses from posters have been posted but most are childish dribble. That is not really a complaint here as I happen to like childish dribble but the issues are real and relevant and they are a sound sensible political platform.

Anyone in doubt about my position can always return to my campaign website with the link below in my signature and then find out what I say and believe and what I intend to do instead of believing dribble.

The excess growth at the Navy Base is straight up overloading the entire County infrastructure and it is not needed nor helpful. Even the inflated property prices are a fake feel of prosperity and that balloon can not stay inflated forever. But in fact it is getting worse and the oligarchy is bringing in more big business into our home and I will put a stop to it.

My second campaign platform is just as real and relevant in that the State is putting deadbroke parents into jail and into prison and turning innocent parents into criminals. It is one thing for prejudice on this community Forum but State legislatures that keep turning their backs to blatant injustices will some day face a worse scenerio. I will put stop to this too.

:popcorn: ------------------ :coffee:


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:popcorn: I really have been putting the info down hard here and some fine responses from posters have been posted but most are childish dribble. That is not really a complaint here as I happen to like childish dribble but the issues are real and relevant and they are a sound sensible political platform.
A sound and sensible political platform has not been discussed here. You need more than an idea about what you are going to take away, you have to have a way to sustain the income of the citizens, and the revenue of the government. None of this has been approached by you. When you strip away the military in the area, what is going to take its place for an income based business?

JPC said:
Anyone in doubt about my position can always return to my campaign website with the link below in my signature and then find out what I say and believe and what I intend to do instead of believing dribble.
Since you chose to post your agenda here, It would be considered a fair idea to expand on your thoughts here. Otherwise, perhaps a simple Hi Im JPC go to my candidate website would have been better. No need for anything that you have posted to date.
People want answers, are you able to give them in a clear and coherent fashion?

JPC said:
The excess growth at the Navy Base is straight up overloading the entire County infrastructure and it is not needed nor helpful. Even the inflated property prices are a fake feel of prosperity and that balloon can not stay inflated forever. But in fact it is getting worse and the oligarchy is bringing in more big business into our home and I will put a stop to it.
Let me explain that evil Navy base and its contribution to the area so that you might understand a little beyond your current ability.
A strong and large Navy presence in a community such as the one we speak of is not an overload. It is however the best insurance that you can get for an economy that goes into a recession.
Example, lets take the navy base and all of its workers, military and civilians and assume that they will be getting a paycheck from the U.S government every two weeks. This money will continue to be used to make purchases if the economy drops,, because, even if the economy drops, those government issued paychecks will keep coming.

now lets remove the navy and move regular business in, manufacturing whatever, if the economy drops guess what happens? thats right, those jobs are going to start going away, and along with it goes the purchases that the government workers would have been making.
the economy fails just like everywhere else in the country.

the Navy base in short words makes the area recession proof.
think about that before you go off and think that reducing that income level is a good idea..
also think of this. You will not be in any position to dictate what the U.S government does, prepared to be slapped by uncle sam if you try to get in his way.

JPC said:
My second campaign platform is just as real and relevant in that the State is putting deadbroke parents into jail and into prison and turning innocent parents into criminals. It is one thing for prejudice on this community Forum but State legislatures that keep turning their backs to blatant injustices will some day face a worse scenerio. I will put stop to this too.
I dont even know where to start on this one.
Who is going to pay for the children?
I already pay for my own, I dont think that asking you do the same is really putting you out that much.
I have the opinion (opinion, look it up if you dont understand it) that you chose not to work in an attempt to avoid child support.

From what you have posted here, no answers have been given.
I almost get the idea that your only real concern is to seek revenge on the judge that sent you to jail for your various law breaking activities.


bcp said:
Let me explain that evil Navy base and its contribution to the area so that you might understand a little beyond your current ability.
A strong and large Navy presence in a community such as the one we speak of is not an overload. It is however the best insurance that you can get for an economy that goes into a recession.
Example, lets take the navy base and all of its workers, military and civilians and assume that they will be getting a paycheck from the U.S government every two weeks. This money will continue to be used to make purchases if the economy drops,, because, even if the economy drops, those government issued paychecks will keep coming.

now lets remove the navy and move regular business in, manufacturing whatever, if the economy drops guess what happens? thats right, those jobs are going to start going away, and along with it goes the purchases that the government workers would have been making.
the economy fails just like everywhere else in the country.

the Navy base in short words makes the area recession proof.
think about that before you go off and think that reducing that income level is a good idea..
also think of this. You will not be in any position to dictate what the U.S government does, prepared to be slapped by uncle sam if you try to get in his way.
You're making too much sense. He won't understand this. :lol:


I bowl overhand
IF he had a job he wouldn't be deadbroke, of course in his mental state he probably feels by not having a job, he shouldn't have to pay child support, and is teaching his ex-wife a lesson. I mean he's only the father of these children, why should he care if they have what they need to grow into healthy adults, and why should HE have to take responsibility?

APPARENTLY the judge saw through his bullsh!t and put the deadbeat in jail.

I still think someone should investigate the legality of him using library assets for his running for office, lets send him back to jail.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

fttrsbeerwench said:
I would like to know where you will be on election day..


:lmao: Now I do not see how that can be a serious question.

But in case it truly is then on election day I plan to be in the winner's box.

:coffee: ----------------- :lmao:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Vince said:
You're making too much sense. He won't understand this. :lol:

:bigwhoop: That post from BCP did not make any sence at all. Pure hog wash.

I never said I was going to close down the Navy Base. Just stopping the growth is all. The Navy Base growth is overloading the entire area and BCP is only making his own foolish conclutions, not mine.

:flowers: ----------------- :popcorn:


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:lmao: Now I do not see how that can be a serious question.

But in case it truly is then on election day I plan to be in the winner's box.

:coffee: ----------------- :lmao:

This one?


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This is fun right?
JPC said:
:whistle: One of the great benefits of this coming Enterprise ad is that no one can be posting any "talk back" like as on this Forum.

Now I do not really object to the talk back on here but out there in the real world is where the election shall be.

Victory in 29B, for JPC, Sr.

So you want your "constituents"*** to Vote you into the office, but you dont want any interaction with them? sounds like a DemocRAT to me. you and Mikulski should get along fine

*** yes i'm aware that he wont be Voted into office, i just wanted to point out that he does not want to actually represent his electors


This is fun right?
JPC said:
: BCP is only making his own foolish conclutions, not mine.

BCP stop with the Foolish conclutions JPC (The DEADBEAT) is having problems with them


I bowl overhand
JPC said:
:coffee: Anyone can see the paper for free at any local library.

Libraries rock............... :popcorn:
So you won't even cough up the quarter for a paper??

How cheap can you get?

You can't afford a quarter for a paper, but you can afford to take out an ad in the same paper??


In My Opinion
JPC said:
:bigwhoop: That post from BCP did not make any sence at all. Pure hog wash.

I never said I was going to close down the Navy Base. Just stopping the growth is all. The Navy Base growth is overloading the entire area and BCP is only making his own foolish conclutions, not mine.
I understand. Allow me to apologize for an attempt at pointing out what I assumed to be some simple economics. I fear that it has been a few years since I was privilaged to sit in on the classes while obtaining my degree at Old Dominion University while I was serving in the Navy. ( I think around the same dates that you might have been self learning the law trade while serving in the prison system) so, we are both educated to a degree, and we have both served,, in a sense.
My false assumption was that you might have the ability to understand the situation as I described it.
I was wrong, so, once again, allow me to let you follow along and try one more time to explain what is going to happen should that base be restricted from any further advancement in its duties to this country.

First off, lets agree that the Navy base is very much a business.
it produces a product
it employs thousands of people
it brings revenue (that means money) to the county and state
It creates a solid employment base in the community
and its existence creates the opportunity for thousands of private mom and pop type establishments to thrive.
In short it is an asset. (good thing) not a liability (bad thing)

Do we agree on point 1? yes____ No_____.

Next point.
Now that we see that the base is a business that produces for the community, let us equate (make equal) it to a private business that produces a product or a good and in doing so contributes to the economic stability (money keeps moving) in the community.

Any business that has an intent to stay competitive can not keep making the same product year after year without change or upgrade or new innovations, the competition is fierce and that business will find that its outdated products are no longer desired or needed and the result will be a failure of the business resulting in lost jobs, wages, and a decline in the stability of the economic standards of the community.

example, lets pretend that Henry Ford thought so Highly of the model A, he never looked to change it. Even when the other auto manufacturers were coming out with new products, Ol Henry continued on with the model A offered only in the basic black.
Question for consideration. Would in your opinion Ford Motor Company still be an active player in todays auto industry had that been the case?
yes_____ No_____

Ok, now that we agree that business must lead the market, and not follow the market in order to stay viable (keep making money) lets look back at the Navy base and the product that it produces.

First lets look at what the base produces.
It produces support, innovation, training, storage, security and logistics for the product that is our Navy. The finest in the world I might add.

Pax River just happens to be were that base is located, no different than IBM being located in Texas. Could IBM continue to produce its product and stay a viable player in its market if it moved to indiana? yes it could.
Could Pax River continue to produce its product and stay a viable player in its market if it were moved to florida? Yes, it could.

In order for any business to stay ahead of the competition it must continue to offer new or improved product. At times this requires the addition of usable space to accomadate that new product. If a business can no longer grow due to restraints on space, the logical thing is for the business to move to where it can continue to be a leader in the market.

Ford Motor company produces automobiles (something people with jobs own to drive to work) and it could not have stayed ahead of or even with the market if additional space was not obtained for assembly lines and offices. People wanted choice, Ford had no option but to expand so that choice could be offered.

IBM produces computer and office equipment. Back in the early days, not much space was needed to produce 5 different lines of typewriter. but today had IBM not expanded it size, it would not have been able to keep up with the demand for newer products and greater choices.

The Navy base produces those items that I mentioned above. In order for our Navy to continue to be the greatest in the world, and for our service men/women to have the level of safety and protection that they deserve and have earned, the base must continue to produce new products. there is no option.
The government is going to produce that new line of jet fighters, and the will have a base to be tested from, and they will have a place that will render support for them.
If (like you could do it anyway) the growth of the base were restricted to the point of no longer being a favorable choice to place this responsibility, The government would over time continue to reduce the workload of Pax River, and eventually it would close.

Im sure that the work that is coming to Pax River could be done anywhere that there is land to do it. Those people that are already at Pax that would be needed, can be moved to where the work goes.

You start mandating a limit to the growth of any company or business, and you will end up losing that business in the end.

so, before you refer to someone as foolish, I suggest that you get up from that student chair that sits in front of the computer that you did not help to purchase, and you go back to the shelves and find a book on Economics for Dummys.. and read it.

Nobody likes the traffic or the build up.NOBODY.
but the alternative right now is to basically put the community in danger of a shutdown.
The pizza place on the corner can not stay in business if the paychecks from the base do not flow into his establishment.


Well-Known Member
yopure wasting your breath, there is no way this ADD idiot can keep on track long enough to get through your first point.

At least no one will have heard of him come election day.....