JPC said:

Got me again. Arena just sounds like an "a" in the middle.
So here is a funny link that really gets to the point, at link below,
Trailer Hitch / Trailor Hitches., TRAILER TRAILOR, trailOR, Trailor or or or......


This if the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Nothing like doing a "Google" search to see how a word is spelled.
This guy is such a moron, he can't grasp the concept that retailers using the web purpousfully misspell words to create hits in search engines...
Let's everyone get together and chip in a penny or two so we can buy this guy a dictionary....

I mean come one, we've all had a type-o here and
thwere (BTW: that was on purpose), but arena, conclusion, trailer.
Come to think of it, forget my earlier idea to buy a dictionary, they're only a useful tool if you think you might have misspelled a word, need a definition, etc... This guy doesn't have a clue.