New Member shout out

:lmao: Let's just say that Migtig and I both said we'd put in a good word for ya to any single ladies looking for a guy who isn't a total jackass. I'll even leave the part out about you not riding a real bike :killingme

:frown: I'm not a total jackass.... and I ride a real bike.

Shoulda showed up last night... :kickingrocks:


Do I smell Burning Rubber
Your PM box should start fillng up now. We're pimping you out to all the girls. Check some of the other threads. :killingme

are there other threads I don't know about? I am not seeing it...I am not a member of any of the private ones if that's what your talking about?:coffee:


are there other threads I don't know about? I am not seeing it...I am not a member of any of the private ones if that's what your talking about?:coffee:

They are everywhere. We are talking about you Blaze :kiss:


Now he's blaze? Earlier he was dreamy. Pick one and stick to it. :killingme

I'm too nuts to stick to one thing :lmao:

Okay, which you like better? Dreamy or Blaze? I was in love with a boy named Blaze in like the 7th grade. He broke up with me though :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
I'm too nuts to stick to one thing :lmao:

Okay, which you like better? Dreamy or Blaze? I was in love with a boy named Blaze in like the 7th grade. He broke up with me though :ohwell:

Then go with dreamy. It sounds younger anyway, and when I hear blaze, I immediately think of a horse. We haven't gotten that far with him yet to find out if he is like a horse or not, so we stick with dreamy for now. If we find out differently later, we'll change it to blaze. YW


Then go with dreamy. It sounds younger anyway, and when I hear blaze, I immediately think of a horse. We haven't gotten that far with him yet to find out if he is like a horse or not, so we stick with dreamy for now. If we find out differently later, we'll change it to blaze. YW

:lol: Okay so it's Dreamy. I love you :kiss: Thanks for keeping me straight.


Then go with dreamy. It sounds younger anyway, and when I hear blaze, I immediately think of a horse. We haven't gotten that far with him yet to find out if he is like a horse or not, so we stick with dreamy for now. If we find out differently later, we'll change it to blaze. YW
:lmao: So who's going in on the fact finding mission to find out if he's horse like?