New Novak/Plame/Leak Stuff


Super Genius
Now Novak is saying that they should ask Bush who the leak is...this will not be good for Bush.
W.House takes issue with Novak on CIA leak claim
"I'm confident the president knows who the source is," Novak told a luncheon in Raleigh, North Carolina, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. "I'd be amazed if he doesn't."

He added: "So I say, don't bug me. Don't bug (Washington Post reporter) Bob Woodward. Bug the president as to whether he should reveal who the source is."
Maybe Bush knows who the leak is, maybe he doesn't. If he does and it is not Bush himself, why should the courts go to Bush for second or third-hand info when they can go to somebody that has first-hand info.

I think Novak should get off of the "protecting my sources" BS and just name names.


New Member
I think that Novak did cooperate with the grand jury as to when he was asked about his sources (at least according to what I read). It's Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper who did not cooperate in terms of naming names.

Maybe Novak just won't say publicly who his source was?


rraley said:
Maybe Novak just won't say publicly who his source was?
Novak had no moral objection to publicly outing a CIA operative in a column, why would he have an attack of morals now?


New Member
I think if Bush knows he should come forward and reprimand the person who leaked the information. Information like that is suppose to be very private and top secret which obviously was not in this case.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terps said:
Information like that is suppose to be very private and top secret which obviously was not in this case.
Well, according the Joe Wilson himself, practically everyone in the world knew she was CIA. And she worked at Langley, not in the field, so I highly doubt she was covert, considering she would have been driving to and from CIA Headquarters every single day. Wouldn't take a genius to figure out she worked there.


New Member
I agree if you really wanted to know where she worked, and she drove there everyday you could probably figure it out. However, that still doesnt mean that Intelligence should just be leaked (however unimportant it may seem) and the person that did leak the information should be reprimanded.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Terps said:
that still doesnt mean that Intelligence should just be leaked (however unimportant it may seem)
All Novak said was that she was Joe Wilson's wife (common knowledge and a matter of public record) and that she worked at the CIA (apparently common knowledge as well).

What's the big deal?