Has confinement issues..
I hate you!!!
I fixed it!!!! Me again~~~!!!!!!
I hate you!!!
I fixed it!!!! Me again~~~!!!!!!
I don't guess it's any more legal to install my own Office 2007 program on there either. I don't care. What are they gonna do, sue me? I got nuffin!
This is what she said "I have my Office loaded on my home PC and my laptop."
She can load Office on three of "her" PC's these days. Now if she loads it on her boss's PC, then I'm with you, and she's a crook.
Doesn't the three devices have to be in the same household? I can't get to the EULA on Microsoft's website. But I believe some versions of Office 2007 license is based on one license = one machine.
MS finally probably figured that they are losing a ton of money because one CD went a long way.