New Restaurant in Jaspers Building


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
We chatted with a few of the powers to be of Brick. It's always nice to get the back story. Seems they've had little time to catch their collective breaths since opening. After we told them how amazing the chicken was, he replied that he's only had the chicken salad but hasn't had the wood fire chicken and I'm thinking you're ####ting me.

Probably the only negative I have is that the food could be served a bit hotter. I likes my food right out of the oven hot. What is more fun than trying to eat that first piece of pizza and the sauce and cheese has melded into something reminiscent of molten lava. Before you all go rolling your eyes, I see this happen all the time when pizza is served. We ooh & aah while we bite into that first slice regardless of how many degrees of burn we get on the roof of our mouths.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member



What part of speech is it?

It is a noun.

Is there an alternate pronunciation?

There is no alternate pronunciation.

What is the language of origin?

It's a hybrid of husker & smib.

Can you use it in a sentence?

If you don't spell spatchcocked correctly, you will not win the spelling bee.

a chicken or game bird split open and grilled.

And now you know.


Man, I'm still here !!!
really didn't want to google, took at chance ;-)))

might have to try that with the turkey for T giving !!!!!!!!!


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Watermelon Margarita :yay: :yum: You can keep your spatchcocked food Vrai, I'll be at the bar. :otter::cheers: