New to the Forum


New Member
We moved near Broomes Island about 2 years ago after spending most weekends here for 15 or so years. It is fantastic to finally be living here full time.

And I am amazed to have never known about this forum until I found it accidentally the other day and joined up. It's a great forum with lots of useful information.

We are "newly old", in our early 60s. We are both Republicans, like to fish and crab, have a good sized vegetable garden and are working on the flower garden, four Rhode Island hens that lay huge brown eggs, are rabid O's and Redskins fans, though we love the Ravens as well, and want the Nats to win unless they are playing to O's. We have 4 wonderful grown-up children and four beautiful grandchildren. The husband is a stockbroker; I am retired from national security affairs.

Look forward to participating in the forums.
We moved near Broomes Island about 2 years ago after spending most weekends here for 15 or so years. It is fantastic to finally be living here full time.

And I am amazed to have never known about this forum until I found it accidentally the other day and joined up. It's a great forum with lots of useful information.

We are "newly old", in our early 60s. We are both Republicans, like to fish and crab, have a good sized vegetable garden and are working on the flower garden, four Rhode Island hens that lay huge brown eggs, are rabid O's and Redskins fans, though we love the Ravens as well, and want the Nats to win unless they are playing to O's. We have 4 wonderful grown-up children and four beautiful grandchildren. The husband is a stockbroker; I am retired from national security affairs.

Look forward to participating in the forums.

:howdy: I am also new!


We moved near Broomes Island about 2 years ago after spending most weekends here for 15 or so years. It is fantastic to finally be living here full time.

And I am amazed to have never known about this forum until I found it accidentally the other day and joined up. It's a great forum with lots of useful information.

We are "newly old", in our early 60s. We are both Republicans, like to fish and crab, have a good sized vegetable garden and are working on the flower garden, four Rhode Island hens that lay huge brown eggs, are rabid O's and Redskins fans, though we love the Ravens as well, and want the Nats to win unless they are playing to O's. We have 4 wonderful grown-up children and four beautiful grandchildren. The husband is a stockbroker; I am retired from national security affairs.

Look forward to participating in the forums.

Welcome to the forums.
I was born and raised in Broomes Island! I'm currently in Florida working but visit the forums daily to keep up on the gossip, news, and chitchat of SOMD.
Where near BI do you live?


They're out to get us
Welcome :howdy: I just figured out the password for this user account and stole it from some idiot. I'm new too :yahoo:

:killingme hope you changed the password...the idiot that had your account would NEVER figure out how to get it back!