New to the forum


Lobster Land
firstroundko said:
Hello all. I'm moving (possibly) to Waldorf. Can anyone tell me about the neighorhood of Acton Village? I know that crime is just about everywhere, but I reason that there's less crime in Waldorf than in Landover (P. G). Am I right?

No crime at all in Waldorf. Just don't read any police reports, don't leave your car unlocked, don't leave you house unattended, don't walk by yourself, don't expect to drive anywhere quickly between the hours of midnight and 11:59PM and don't listen to a police scanner. Actually it's no worse than anywhere else but one does have to be aware of their surroundings. Waldorf does have some of anything one would want. Come on down and welcome!


SoMd Realtor
Don't worry about the area too much. Waldorf is really booming right now for real estate and if you take care of the property you should be making at least a good starter investment property or can turn a profit in a few years (especially if you got a good deal).

Good luck and happy settlement if it's coming up soon!

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
Mikeinsmd said:
When does your book on how to make friends come out?
The publisher said it should roll out shortly after your "1000 uses for chapstick your mother never told you about" release happens....


Waldorf and the surrounding areas used to be great around fifteem years ago.WALDORF SUCKS now


I can't go to the grocery store without encountering someone spitting on my shopping cart


And I know,having lived in the Waldorf area previously for over twentyfive years