New to the Forums.


New Member
To tell you guys the truth it doesn't mean anything in particular. I have a bottle of Oil of Olay lotion on my desk and Nestle water and combined the two words to get OlayTle... haha :killingme


Thanks everyone for the welcome!! AND the warnings!! haha. Does anyone know of some good groups or threads to get into?

I have my AA meeting tonight if you want to roll with me :huggy:


Hey dont talk about my hommies in the hood like that. We are nice people, sometimes!!!!! :whistle:

Now you know I wasn't talking about you and yes there are some nice ones here. BUT, there is also some jerks here too, right?


I heart CLeValley
Now you know I wasn't talking about you and yes there are some nice ones here. BUT, there is also some jerks here too, right?

Yes there are a lot of nice people on this forum- its only the jerks with the keyboards that are not the nice ones. :buddies: