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Oh well, I just wanted something for the time being and I didn't see anything else up there that interested me. A friend suggested that I not put up one of my pics just yet so I am not going to.


New Member
No sorry to say that I have not. The most I have done is feed a kangaroo. My mum went to a zoo one time and got attacked by one and has a picture of the one that did it. She also has a picture of two kangaroos just going at it.


New Member
aussie_chic86 said:
No sorry to say that I have not. The most I have done is feed a kangaroo. My mum went to a zoo one time and got attacked by one and has a picture of the one that did it. She also has a picture of two kangaroos just going at it.
I like this sheila already!! Welcome!! :howdy:


But wait, there's more...
:howdy: aussie chic ... question for ya ... at Outback Steakhouse, on the menu, they make reference to some of their offerings being "fair dinkum". What's that mean? :confused:


aussie_chic86 said:
No sorry to say that I have not. The most I have done is feed a kangaroo. My mum went to a zoo one time and got attacked by one and has a picture of the one that did it. She also has a picture of two kangaroos just going at it.

Now I'll bet thats a pretty site :shocking:
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New Member
Sorry I did not specify when I said going at it...I meant apologies for that. As for fair dinkum it's like saying "for real?". It all depends on what context you use it in.


New Member
Also I am not sure how this is spelled but for those who do not know "crikey" could be like "omg!" or "wow!". I can tell you this the food is amazing..well to me anyway. I went back to australia this past summer and I got to eat the food again after 7 years and it was heaven. There are sausage rolls, meat pies, better than all the potpies over here, lamintons<---like a snack cake with a thin layer of chocolate and then coconut. You guys will have to try the food some day to see for yourselves.


New Member
aussie_chic86 said:
Sorry I did not specify when I said going at it...I meant apologies for that. As for fair dinkum it's like saying "for real?". It all depends on what context you use it in.
See where "some peoples" minds are here?? :lmao: I wanna go to Austrailia so baddddddddd........ :begging: take me, take me!!! :peace:


This Space for Rent
aussie_chic86 said:
Also I am not sure how this is spelled but for those who do not know "crikey" could be like "omg!" or "wow!". I can tell you this the food is amazing..well to me anyway. I went back to australia this past summer and I got to eat the food again after 7 years and it was heaven. There are sausage rolls, meat pies, better than all the potpies over here, lamintons<---like a snack cake with a thin layer of chocolate and then coconut. You guys will have to try the food some day to see for yourselves.

I've had Kangaroo Soup. :shrug: