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crabcake said:
People who take pictures or video of animals having sex are downright weird! :twitch:



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Super Genius
aussie_chic86 said:
Also I am not sure how this is spelled but for those who do not know "crikey" could be like "omg!" or "wow!". I can tell you this the food is amazing..well to me anyway. I went back to australia this past summer and I got to eat the food again after 7 years and it was heaven. There are sausage rolls, meat pies, better than all the potpies over here, lamintons<---like a snack cake with a thin layer of chocolate and then coconut. You guys will have to try the food some day to see for yourselves.
What part of Australia are you from? I'd like to go some time this year, so I might have to get some inside information from you before I make plans.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
aussie_chic86 said:
Oh well, I just wanted something for the time being and I didn't see anything else up there that interested me. A friend suggested that I not put up one of my pics just yet so I am not going to.

You seem like a nice- and at least half-intelligent- girl, are you cute? There's been an influx of the intelligence impaired lately. BTW, welcome to the forum :cheers:

OK, I must be ill, time to go check my temp :whistle:


I bowl overhand
Chain729 said:
You seem like a nice- and at least half-intelligent- girl, are you cute? There's been an influx of the intelligence impaired lately. BTW, welcome to the forum :cheers:

OK, I must be ill, time to go check my temp :whistle:
I just wanna hear her talk.. My best friend in the world was a German national, that had grown up in Australia.. his dad was a truck driver.. Him and his family adopted me while I was a single soldier in Germany.. found out on a return trip, went to visit the family.. he had been killed by a drunk American shortly after I left.. Nobody ever answered my mail, because nobody but him could write in English..

Sorry to deviate.. kinda got lost in Nostalgia there for a minute.. But man he had the coolest accent I ever heard..


New Member
itsbob said:
I just wanna hear her talk.. My best friend in the world was a German national, that had grown up in Australia.. his dad was a truck driver.. Him and his family adopted me while I was a single soldier in Germany.. found out on a return trip, went to visit the family.. he had been killed by a drunk American shortly after I left.. Nobody ever answered my mail, because nobody but him could write in English..

Sorry to deviate.. kinda got lost in Nostalgia there for a minute.. But man he had the coolest accent I ever heard..

My dad is also a truck driver but I am not sure who he works for, he is living in australia. Sorry to hear about that, I hate death, especially when it is a family member or a very good friend.


Should be Huntin
aussie_chic86 said:
My dad is also a truck driver but I am not sure who he works for, he is living in australia. Sorry to hear about that, I hate death, especially when it is a family member or a very good friend.
In middle school I was offered a trip there, to be a student ambassador. I wanted to go so bad, but couldn't go.


New Member
Magnum said:
In middle school I was offered a trip there, to be a student ambassador. I wanted to go so bad, but couldn't go.

Why couldn't you go? It is so awsome over there I know that all of you would love it so much.


24/7 Single Dad
Got as close as Guam, but never made it there. Even applied to immigrate there when I was getting out of the Navy.


New Member
If you ever do make it there, which I am sure you will someday, try out the food....Sausage rolls, meat pies, lamingtons, all of the good stuff. Another thing, if you go to a restaurant, don't leave a tip. When I went back there for the summer and my grandparents took me out for lunch with my nanny's brother and sister in law (nanny being grandma and poppy being grandpa) they said that you don't leave tips because the waitors are paid alot more. I think they said 14 somethine an hour but I can't be sure.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
aussie_chic86 said:
Thankyou all for the welcome, you all sound like very nice people!
If you are looking for nice, you've come to the right place!!! :cheesy: