New Treatment Approach for Pancreatic Cancer


Well-Known Member
"Dec. 20, 2013 — Scientists from The University of Manchester -- part of Manchester Cancer Research Centre believe they have discovered a new way to make chemotherapy treatment more effective for pancreatic cancer patients."

Researchers find potential new treatment approach for pancreatic cancer

My brother passed 4 yrs. ago due to pancreatic cancer; he thought he was having gallbladder issues and procrastinated on seeing a gastroenterologist. By the time the pain became so severe-it was too late-2 mos. total. This is encouraging!


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My brother passed 4 yrs. ago due to pancreatic cancer; he thought he was having gallbladder issues and procrastinated on seeing a gastroenterologist. By the time the pain became so severe-it was too late-2 mos. total. This is encouraging!

So sorry about your brother. Sadly being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer usually happens in the late stages due to the symptoms not creating much of a problem early on. This is why I want to get one of those whole body scans (like the The David Drew Clinic offers), but insurance won't pay for it, and I can't afford to pay for it.

I tend to be resistant to going to the doctor also. however, I go sooner now than I used to, so I am improving. My Father died from lung cancer about 7 years ago (he was a smoker), and I used to smoke, so I worry that I too may get it. He didn't get symptoms until late. One Summer he started feeling short of breath during his exercise walks. Then he started getting sudden fast heart beats (name of this escapes me) and he went to the Doctor in the Fall.

After rounds of tests over several months, he was eventually diagnosed with lung cancer in January, and by the end of February he was dead (7 months after first noticeable symptom developed). It seemed really sudden to us all, but the cancer was doing it's damage a long time before he found out. When I went out to visit him in CA after the diagnoses, he told me that his time here was done and not to be sad. He said he would always be with me.