New trend?


Well-Known Member
I managed to discreetly snap a picture of this chic on Friday night. :jet:


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WTF is she wearing? :roflmao: :embarassing:

Luckily I was DD on Friday night....because if I had been drinking, it would have been much harder to keep from laughing! It was chilly and rainy on Friday night...and this chick is out in short shorts and a tank......and those boots......:dead:

Luckily I was DD on Friday night....because if I had been drinking, it would have been much harder to keep from laughing! It was chilly and rainy on Friday night...and this chick is out in short shorts and a tank......and those boots......:dead:

Since it was a friday night maybe she had been at a halloween party lol :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Luckily I was DD on Friday night....because if I had been drinking, it would have been much harder to keep from laughing! It was chilly and rainy on Friday night...and this chick is out in short shorts and a tank......and those boots......:dead:

The sad thing is she probably thinks she looks like hot shiat :lmao:

The boots are not all that bad if she wore them with another outfit they may look better :shrug:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Yes...but she's wearing her shorts like a man......under the belly.

Oh my god I see that every where around here... what is up with that?
Girls wearing pants, shorts, or skirts, way to small for them. its like they are saying "I can fit into size 3 jeans... if i pull my belly up and over top the button" :dead:


How you like me now?
the boots would have gone better with a mini skirt and full top.

Lots of people where tall uggs or mukluks with mini skirts

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