NEW YORK convention:...hmm?

What will happen at the RNC at NYC?

  • Standard convention, no splits, few controversies-boring.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Typical Bias from the networks...more coverage of wackos

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • Violence, looting, "police brutality" and chaos

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • New ideas on Flat Tax, war on Terror, Allies...good speeches.

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have read that the psychos are really looking forward to the chaos they want to unleash in NYC. One site urged taking clothing to a gun range, get it saturated with residue, then ride the subway near a police dog...just to set of an alert -stop the train & clog up the network. Do things that are suspicious to cripple the security network.
-such heroes as these...who needs enemies?

Are we approaching a time when conventions are no longer necessary, and actually are more of a burden?

Any predictions how the NYPD will deal with the horde of crazies gathering?

Thoughts on if the convention speakers will be more centrist-Big tent types or part of the VRWC? Alan Keyes verses Osama Obama? (whatever)

Will the Protest warriors infiltrate the wackos?

How much will you watch?
How much of a bump?


I think it will be a combination of lots of A and B, and a very little D.

There may be some C, but I doubt it'll be directly related to the RNC, except by the liberal, tolerant, open-minded crowd trying to foment chaos in the streets of New York.

Fortunately, this is status quo in the streets of New York.

I fully expect the convention itself to be very much like the DNC. A lot of rhetoric with absolutely nothing new to say. A bunch of rich man-whores who TALK. IN. LOUD. MONOTONES. TO. GET. THEIR. POINT. ACROSS.

I'd like to see Ron Reagan show up at this convention and give the exact same speach he did at the DNC. That might stir some sht up.

I think flat tax will be mentioned and applauded. Since it's already been brought up and there was some talk that it would be a centerpiece for this campaign (along with the war on terra).

I've decided that I'm going to play a drinking game. I'm going to sip a co-cola every time someone says "America needs" or "America wants".

I figure I'll be peeing pure soda-pop in about 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member
I've heard any of a dozen such pranks that Not in My Name is planning to conduct. Frankly, if I were al-Qaeda, I'd be peeing myself with glee over the opportunity for mayhem.

I was listening to one of their leaders on Hannity yesterday. He kept asking her one question to which she really would NOT give a simple answer. And that question was "will you tell your members not to resort to violence, to conduct their protest peacefully". It was clear from her answers that she didn't expect everyone to do that, and kept referring to the evils in the White House - as if to imply that violence would be acceptable, since it would be a "lesser" evil than the ones the administration was perpetrating.

Outrageous. It's outrageous that someone demonstrating for peace would use violence to make their point.


Super Genius
Originally posted by Hessian
Thoughts on if the convention speakers will be more centrist-Big tent types or part of the VRWC? Alan Keyes verses Osama Obama? (whatever)
From what I've heard, they are going to have a pretty big range of speakers. I remember that Schwartzenegger, McCain, and Zell Miller are speaking. I forget who else.


Super Genius
I found the prime-time lineup:

Monday - Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Rudy Giuliani, McCain
Tuesday - Laura Bush, Sec of Ed Rod Paige, Schwartzenegger
Wednesday - Lynne Cheney, Dick Cheney, Zell Miller
Thursday - George Pataki, W (of course)


Super Genius
Oh, and here are more speakers:
Senator Bill Frist (R-TN)
Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)
Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS)
Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL)
Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R-MD)
Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM)
Rep. Anne Northup (R-KY)
Erika Harold


Originally posted by SamSpade
Outrageous. It's outrageous that someone demonstrating for peace would use violence to make their point.

You sound surprised. Why?
  • These are the same people who rally against hate-speech, yet say some of the most vile things ever thought up by a human brain.
  • These are the same people who rally behind tolerance and open-mindedness - not to mention freedom of speech and expression: yet will engage in the aforementioned hate-speech and try to silence anyone with whom they disagree.
  • These are the same people who rally against stereotypes and overgeneralizations. Especially those made by all the fat, white, bigotted, redneck, inbred repubicans.
  • These are the people who protested a war - By throwing rocks and increasing danger tenfold in their own streets.
  • These are the people who denouce SwiftVets - for the EXACT SAME reason they're falling all over themselves to put Michael Moore on a pedistal.
  • These are the same people who - after all that - turn right around and call republicans arrogant and hypocritical.

These are people who would literally cut off their nose to spite their face. Nothing they do would surprise me.


Well-Known Member
Protest Warriors in action...

Down in Dallas, a bunch of our Rightwing activists decided to counter demonstrate in front of coverage bloomed and they got the upper hand.

Read the latest in their battle with the delusional left.:biggrin:

I hope they're coming up to NYC!


Super Genius
Re: Protest Warriors in action...

Originally posted by Hessian
Down in Dallas, a bunch of our Rightwing activists decided to counter demonstrate in front of coverage bloomed and they got the upper hand.

Read the latest in their battle with the delusional left.:biggrin:

I hope they're coming up to NYC!
They are planning to be there. I just hope there is coverage of them on the news :biggrin:

It's called Operation: Liberty Rising on the web site.


Well-Known Member
Bloomberg rolls out the welcome mat...

for Protesters!,0,3055161.story

"A Web page linked to the city's tourist bureau, NYC & Company, offers discounts to various hotels, including the New Yorker Hotel; retail stores (a free felt-tip marker with purchases more than $10 at Kroll Office Products); attractions such as the Museum of Sex and the Whitney Museum of Art; and theaters, including performances of "42nd Street" and 'Naked Boys Singing.'"

Ah yes, Barney Franks favorite musical.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Hessian
discounts to various hotels, including the New Yorker Hotel
You'd think the New Yorker would be jam packed, since it's right there next to Madison Square Garden. Sure wish they'd pick another week for this. :mad: But I've never seen protestors up close and personal so maybe I'll get some cool pics!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
OH MAN! We wanted to do "Tony and Tina's Wedding" last time we were there but didn't get to it. I just downloaded the Peaceful Activist button and we can do it for $60 each instead of $85!!!!!

AND we can get 40% off of "42nd Street"!!!!

I'm SO there! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Vrai How dare you!

How can you capitalize/ profit from offers soley relegated to those who want to peacefully demonstrate their opposition?
I am stunned!!!

um, wait, isn't Bloomberg pushing the very core of our free economy?

(hee hee, love capitalism huh?)
Look for our friends in the ProtestWarrior crowd!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Hessian
Vrai How dare you!
The button doesn't say "Peaceful Democrat Activist" so I figure I'm not even telling a lie. I intend to peaceful as I support George Bush. :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Vrai...on the road?

So...will you be reporting your tour of NY to the Forum?
Sounds like things are looking ugly, stay away from central Park...big Demo Saturday, even Larger on Sunday....
Good Luck! :patriot:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
Good Luck! :patriot:
Thanks. I was hoping to get up to Sylvia's and get me some soul food but we'll probably stay away from Harlem, as well as Central Park. :ohwell:

This goofs me up because we wanted to go out to the Statue of Liberty, which would make a great terrorist target. :mad: Stupid protestors. Stupid terrorists.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm never in the right place at the right time. :mad: The most I saw today was some kid waiting to get her room keys had on a t-shirt with a pic of the two George Bushes that said, "Dumb and Dumber". And there are posters hung up all over the place for "Take Back New York".

In fact, sitting in a Greenwich pub, of all places, our bartender/owner loudly disparaged the folks that wrecked the golf course and those who have been nuisances in general. One of his waitresses walked by and said, "See ya - I'm off to protest," and he replied, "Dont come back."

So much for "in the belly of the beast". :shrug:


Dear Vriai,

I know I shouldn't act like your momma but...... Be careful. The flakes are buzzing like bees right now.

Plans to bomb subway station

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Two men arrested for allegedly plotting to blow up a New York City subway station had also scouted out other locations in the city, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Saturday.

"It is important to stress that to the best of our knowledge, they had no ties to international terrorist organizations," Kelly told reporters. He also said there is "no indication" their activities were related in any way to the Republication National Convention, which begins Monday in Manhattan.

The men were arraigned Saturday in U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, on charges that they conspired to blow up the 34th Street subway station at Herald Square.

They were identified as Shahawar Matin Siraj, 21, of Jackson Heights in Queens, a native of Pakistan, and James el-Shafay, 19, of the city's Staten Island borough, a U.S. citizen.

The men's motive appeared to be "basically hatred for the system," Kelly said. He said they talked about the commercial shops at the subway station, and also talked in general terms about explosives being placed at the 42nd Street station and the station at 59th Street and the station at 59th Street and Lexington.

Love Kain~
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