New York now a battleground state


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Although that made me laugh out loud when I read it, NY is not a battleground state and the Ds will win it handily.

MD - not a battleground state.

CA - also not a battleground state.

The blather people always say this stupid chit and get all excited/enraged about their lame ass polls. I'll believe it when I see it.

I still say the Democrat Party needs to be abolished and all the true believers tossed into mental homes or prisons, depending on their level of involvement.


the poor dad
Yeah remember when they led us to believe a couple years ago that the republican candidate for mayor in NYC had a chance of winning? Ha!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
No it isn’t. But now, Virginia - is. Probably will go blue, but it will be a lot closer.

Ditto Minnesota. Again, probably blue, but Minnesota has gone blue when the rest of the country went red.

Heard something disturbing yesterday. David Webb had this British guy on - can’t remember his name - and he mentioned that the last election was won with a mere 42,000 votes - in a very few districts. Ok, yeah. We know. But he then said that there’s no way the Democratic Party will ALLOW Trump to win.

Yep. You know and I know. They will cheat and will pull out all the stops.


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PREMO Member
They evidently tried - or perhaps succeeded, I don't know - to pass a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote. And last night on Ingraham, a guest mentioned that the government has MYRIADS of data proving who is, and who is not, a citizen. It's really just a matter of simple ID, and the rest can work.

But - almost to the last - the Dems voted AGAINST it. Again, their stupid, stupid ass argument - the poor and minorities don't have it.

Bullsht. Heck, they're giving driver's licenses to illegals, and handing out voter registrations. Heck, my DAUGHTER got a voter registration for applying for her permit, and she's only 16.

Can there be ANY reason to want to stop identifying voters as citizens - unless it is to cheat?


Well-Known Member
They evidently tried - or perhaps succeeded, I don't know - to pass a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote. And last night on Ingraham, a guest mentioned that the government has MYRIADS of data proving who is, and who is not, a citizen. It's really just a matter of simple ID, and the rest can work.

But - almost to the last - the Dems voted AGAINST it. Again, their stupid, stupid ass argument - the poor and minorities don't have it.

Bullsht. Heck, they're giving driver's licenses to illegals, and handing out voter registrations. Heck, my DAUGHTER got a voter registration for applying for her permit, and she's only 16.

Can there be ANY reason to want to stop identifying voters as citizens - unless it is to cheat?
Like I have said before a republican will never be POTUS again the Dems will stop at nothing to remain in power they will cheat every single election the Republicans know this and have the proof but will never do anything about it except bitch and moan because they ARE ALL part of the problem that is the sole reason to put term limits on the senate and the house...If Trump somehow wins I hope he can introduce a bill to do this and hpefully start right away atleast for 4 years there will be someone different but this is a big HOPE..


PREMO Member

Trump WINNING NEW YORK, Democrats PANIC As Biden NY Polls COLLAPSE, Dems CRY Over Biden NOT Quitting​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I doubt Trump is winning NY but it's gonna be fun watching the Democrat anxiety over this.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No it isn’t. But now, Virginia - is. Probably will go blue, but it will be a lot closer.

Ditto Minnesota. Again, probably blue, but Minnesota has gone blue when the rest of the country went red.

Heard something disturbing yesterday. David Webb had this British guy on - can’t remember his name - and he mentioned that the last election was won with a mere 42,000 votes - in a very few districts. Ok, yeah. We know. But he then said that there’s no way the Democratic Party will ALLOW Trump to win.

Yep. You know and I know. They will cheat and will pull out all the stops.

And the Republicans are not only doing nothing to stop them, but are actively attacking the handful of GOP House/Senate who *are* trying to stop it.

The problem with giving power to evil is that you'll never get it back - evil will make sure of it. The Democrats are what they are and it was up to the Republicans to stop them, or at least put on the brakes, and instead the lazy ass do-nothing greasy palm Rs helped them out.

And ultimately it was up to We the People to stop them, but we're lazy and ignorant so we willingly gave power to evil. Tant pis.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I still think that the only way to get the Democrats to make elections secure is -

OUT CHEAT them. I hate it - but only the threat of being thwarted by the same kind of cheating will get them to clutch their pearls and got real about it.

Last night on Gutfeld - I think - someone made the interesting observation that the United States had THE most secure, safe and honest election process ever known -----

Until a handful of Russian wannabe hackers steps up to the plate - then the entire nation is SCREWED.
You remember double-think, from 1984? This is Democratic thinking - the elections are 100% secure - until they aren't.

That guy on the David Webb show - I am gonna have to look him up, because he said a lotta great stuff - but he said only in the United States do we create an election - "season" - where you can cast an early vote, a mail-in ballot, on Election Day and so forth.

MOST other nations either do it all on one day - typically SUNDAY (or a holiday) - or a couple days. None of this weeks and weeks of ballots.


So how do THEY do it all? Surely, they have poor people - and are democratic - and have the means to do it - and give everyone an opportunity to vote -

The excuses WE make sound stupid when you realize, the rest of the world doesn't do it that way.
Most nations that DO allow mail-in votes are - for those living abroad. Yep, You don't get to MAIL in your vote because you just don't feel like driving down the street to do it in person.

YES - there are exceptions. Sweden allows a greater time to vote. Other nations restrict it because - FRAUD. You wanna know why elections are suspended in that hated nation, Ukraine? Because Russians are actually committing voter fraud there.


I do fear - as you seem to - that if Dems can win elections by cheating and get away with it - there's no more elections, at least, in reality. They are already finding a way to dismiss the entire primary system for Democratic voters, claiming that only a fraction participated and there really weren't any choices - so why honor those votes, anyway?


Well-Known Member
Maryland is filled with democrats who have always received political favors from their Democrat friends, and the usual suspects who invaded the cities and counties close to Washington DC. They have spread like a cancer into Maryland. Even Charles County has been burdened with these refugees from Southeast Washington. All the proof that is needed is to look at the pictures on the signs of people running for political office.


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PREMO Member
Look at any major city with a party PERMANENTLY in charge. That is the future of this nation.

We have a growing situation where every citizen is going to be disenfranchised - where your vote will never matter.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do fear - as you seem to - that if Dems can win elections by cheating and get away with it - there's no more elections, at least, in reality.

But didn't they already prove that they can sell the public literally anything, and the public will buy?

The fake pandemic. You can take any ailment - pick one, any one - and cite alarming global statistics to "prove" we're all gonna die, then juice the numbers to "prove" that we did all die from that ailment.

I personally know several people who claimed that "dozens" of their friends and family members died from covid. Even with my shaky math skills, I know that is statistically impossible unless they're friends with a lot of people in NYC nursing homes. And yet they swear it's true. You ask them to name names and they become belligerent - "Oh, why should I tell you, you evil Trumper you!"

The Biden "election". We all know Biden didn't win that thing. If he had won fair and square they wouldn't have a problem with audits and recounts. They wouldn't have a problem with people expressing doubt. They wouldn't be going full iron fist on anyone who questions them.

This is the power of the press, and the power of celebrity. Get the MSM and a few actors to push a lie, and that lie magically becomes the truth.

We have not changed one bit from our Biblical ancestors. Dare I say, our caveman ancestors. Humans don't change and there is no shortage of opportunists who take advantage of that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ooh, remember Ryan White? The Face of AIDS?

He "proved" to us that anyone can get AIDS, even though those who contract the disease are overwhelmingly gay males. So if you're not a gay man, you should be safe, right? NO! Because Ryan White!! If they'd made Pedro the street hustler their poster boy nobody would have given a chit, but put a white suburban child out there and people buy.

And I get it - AIDS is a thing and we shouldn't withhold research funding just because it's gay men getting it. But the way they sold it to us and created a public panic attack was an enlightening sociological exercise. Covid, same.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
But didn't they already prove that they can sell the public literally anything, and the public will buy?

The fake pandemic. You can take any ailment - pick one, any one - and cite alarming global statistics to "prove" we're all gonna die, then juice the numbers to "prove" that we did all die from that ailment.

I personally know several people who claimed that "dozens" of their friends and family members died from covid. Even with my shaky math skills, I know that is statistically impossible unless they're friends with a lot of people in NYC nursing homes. And yet they swear it's true. You ask them to name names and they become belligerent - "Oh, why should I tell you, you evil Trumper you!"

The Biden "election". We all know Biden didn't win that thing. If he had won fair and square they wouldn't have a problem with audits and recounts. They wouldn't have a problem with people expressing doubt. They wouldn't be going full iron fist on anyone who questions them.

This is the power of the press, and the power of celebrity. Get the MSM and a few actors to push a lie, and that lie magically becomes the truth.

We have not changed one bit from our Biblical ancestors. Dare I say, our caveman ancestors. Humans don't change and there is no shortage of opportunists who take advantage of that.
I know one, any other year it would have been called a flu death.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
But didn't they already prove that they can sell the public literally anything, and the public will buy?

The fake pandemic.
I don't call it fake. My wife's dad DID die, of COVID. She held his hand while he was on a respirator over at St Mary's, as he died.
My Mom, on the other hand, died WITH COVID. She also died in 2020, but she was not well and as reclusive as she typically was, I have zero doubt that she GOT COVID at the hospital. Even though her cause of death was a mix of bad medication and a seizure - I have little doubt that the fact she had COVID was used to juice that stats. During the pandemic, there was a GREAT incentive for hospitals to have COVID patients.

We also know a couple who have "long COVID". One of my coworkers of many years, suffers from it. She's young - well, younger than me.

It's not the Black Death, it didn't warrant the unbelievable draconian response - but it did have a strange history in each nation it touched. Some nations had unbelievably high numbers - others, sometimes NEXT DOOR - didn't. I'm sure you arrived at the same conclusion - did the virus not have a passport or the proper credentials? No, it has to do with how it is RECORDED.

My mother-in-law, who survived, lives in a home with other people - and sometimes, it got them, too. COVID attacked the elderly, like better than 90% of the time (by that I mean, KILLED them). If most of the people you know are under 70, you aren't likely to know anyone who died from it, either.

I won't dispute at all that the reaction in this nation was ridiculous. The lockdowns, the masks, the six feet thing - my kids taking school from home and learning nothing - the shortages at the stores - and our precious leaders who flouted the rules whenever it suited them, because they knew it wasn't Ebola and they were largely safe. I think the most ridiculous thing I ever saw was spacing out of cars at the dump/transfer site. The germiest, dirtiest, most unsanitary place I am ever likely to go - and they wanted us spaced apart. You WILL get tetanus, but by God, you won't get COVID.

We are not surprisingly learning - most of the "science" pushed then - we're learning it was bullsht. Made up on the fly. We were all so soundly chastised for "not following the SCIENCE" and we now know - there was no science.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I know one, any other year it would have been called a flu death.
Possibly. And COVID deaths are in the "flu death" range, now. But during the height of the pandemic, it took at least one order of magnitude more lives. Yearly, worldwide, a typical flu season takes between a quarter and a half million lives, mostly the old.