But didn't they already prove that they can sell the public literally anything, and the public will buy?
The fake pandemic.
I don't call it fake. My wife's dad DID die, of COVID. She held his hand while he was on a respirator over at St Mary's, as he died.
My Mom, on the other hand, died WITH COVID. She also died in 2020, but she was not well and as reclusive as she typically was, I have zero doubt that she GOT COVID at the hospital. Even though her cause of death was a mix of bad medication and a seizure - I have little doubt that the fact she had COVID was used to juice that stats. During the pandemic, there was a GREAT incentive for hospitals to have COVID patients.
We also know a couple who have "long COVID". One of my coworkers of many years, suffers from it. She's young - well, younger than me.
It's not the Black Death, it didn't warrant the unbelievable draconian response - but it did have a strange history in each nation it touched. Some nations had unbelievably high numbers - others, sometimes NEXT DOOR - didn't. I'm sure you arrived at the same conclusion - did the virus not have a passport or the proper credentials? No, it has to do with how it is RECORDED.
My mother-in-law, who survived, lives in a home with other people - and sometimes, it got them, too. COVID attacked the elderly, like better than 90% of the time (by that I mean, KILLED them). If most of the people you know are under 70, you aren't likely to know anyone who died from it, either.
I won't dispute at all that the reaction in this nation was ridiculous. The lockdowns, the masks, the six feet thing - my kids taking school from home and learning nothing - the shortages at the stores - and our precious leaders who flouted the rules whenever it suited them, because they knew it wasn't Ebola and they were largely safe. I think the most ridiculous thing I ever saw was spacing out of cars at the dump/transfer site. The germiest, dirtiest, most unsanitary place I am ever likely to go - and they wanted us spaced apart. You WILL get tetanus, but by God, you won't get COVID.
We are not surprisingly learning - most of the "science" pushed then - we're learning it was bullsht. Made up on the fly. We were all so soundly chastised for "not following the SCIENCE" and we now know - there was no science.