I still think that the only way to get the Democrats to make elections secure is -
OUT CHEAT them. I hate it - but only the threat of being thwarted by the same kind of cheating will get them to clutch their pearls and got real about it.
Last night on Gutfeld - I think - someone made the interesting observation that the United States had THE most secure, safe and honest election process ever known -----
Until a handful of Russian wannabe hackers steps up to the plate - then the entire nation is SCREWED.
You remember double-think, from 1984? This is Democratic thinking - the elections are 100% secure - until they aren't.
That guy on the David Webb show - I am gonna have to look him up, because he said a lotta great stuff - but he said only in the United States do we create an election - "season" - where you can cast an early vote, a mail-in ballot, on Election Day and so forth.
MOST other nations either do it all on one day - typically SUNDAY (or a holiday) - or a couple days. None of this weeks and weeks of ballots.
So how do THEY do it all? Surely, they have poor people - and are democratic - and have the means to do it - and give everyone an opportunity to vote -
The excuses WE make sound stupid when you realize, the rest of the world doesn't do it that way.
Most nations that DO allow mail-in votes are - for those living abroad. Yep, You don't get to MAIL in your vote because you just don't feel like driving down the street to do it in person.
YES - there are exceptions. Sweden allows a greater time to vote. Other nations restrict it because - FRAUD. You wanna know why elections are suspended in that hated nation, Ukraine? Because Russians are actually committing voter fraud there.
I do fear - as you seem to - that if Dems can win elections by cheating and get away with it - there's no more elections, at least, in reality. They are already finding a way to dismiss the entire primary system for Democratic voters, claiming that only a fraction participated and there really weren't any choices - so why honor those votes, anyway?