

BOOYA Grandma!
"you're".. as in NOT your..

You're welcome..

I THINK that was what he was trying to say..

Are you chubby? NO

Do you play softball? When asked

How many horses do you own? 2

DO you own any pitbulls? he died :bawl:

DO you own a ricer? no

What kind of motorcycle do you ride? harley, but do not own one

How many hummingbirds do you see in your yard a year?? No clue

Are you married? Yes

Are you single? Nope

Kids? 1

I think that covers most of it..


BOOYA Grandma!
I've got more but I don't want to post them. The last thing I need is to be judged! Cause we all already know my grammer sucks. They are on


I hear you. But it gets better. My little on is 4 now and I sometimes wish she was still a little baby. But then I relize she is alot more fun now. We can do things together.

Thats because before you know it she will be a teenager and you will be even older than you already are. She will want nothing to do with you :killingme:smack: