Newbie requesting info on So. MD "attractions"

mudpuddle said:
Why not go for a nice long hike at Calvert Cliffs. I have fallen in love with that place since moving here...another good one is Flag Pond. The view is beautiful, and the hike isn't as long as Calvert Cliffs. But I also love Flag Pond...I found it amazing to go far out into the Bay at only knee-deep water and so clear...pack a picnic lunch to take with'll enjoy :)

And hunt for fossilized sharks teeth.

New Member
fat&happy said:
Hi. A friend is visiting from back home in June. He's never been to this part of the country. He doesn't want to do the usual tourist things - doesn't want to go to DC at all.

He writes, "I want to see whatever little roadside attractions there are, and eat the local greasy burgers and great fried chicken...."

Anywhere in So. MD will do -- have guest, will travel. Thanks for your suggestions. :howdy:

Edit: this could read like I'm just looking for locals to laugh at. That's not the case at all. I've lived here five years and I love it. I just don't get out much. I know about Twin Kiss, the big swap meet in the tobacco barns way down on Route 5, and that's about it.

Courtneys Restaurant in Ridge for their fish sandwich want great food and local "color"? -- this is the best!!! Oh! The softcrab sandwich (the Slammer!)is really good too. The best cheeseburgers are at the Early Bird in Hollywood..And I heard recentll that the lighthouse n Point LookOut is gonna be opened for public tours, but I don't know when. Sotterly is a must. And maybe an over night trip to the the Eastern Shore!


¡Tengo una tarjeta verde!
BS Gal said:
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the Tiki Bar..........

That's because it was sold this morning. I can't believe you haven't heard yet.


lower life form
Shannie0308 said:
:shrug: Maybe Bert's 50's Diner in Mechanicsville. That's definately casual and fun. GREAT ice cream! You could rent a boat in Solomons and go fishing. (which I havent done in along time, but i wouldn't think that has changed much.)

Hmmm ... Getting some great crabs at a local restraunt would be good. I'm not sure where you live, but there are tons all over the tri-county area. If I think of anything else I will be sure to post it.
Definitely Bert's 50's Diner! Great hark-back to our good old teenage days!


Take him on a tour of Great Mills Road where you can get crabs anytime and finish up with a nitght at Roses Place