Newsguard and Nieman Labs - Fox News a healthy part of your news diet


PREMO Member
Well, NewsGuard officially launched the first public version of its primary tool (a browser extension) yesterday, which means “What color is Fox News?” is now officially a question it has to answer. And the answer is:


Which means, in NewsGuardese, that “This website generally maintains basic standards of accuracy and accountability.”

Or, as the company describes its ratings: “Our Green-Red ratings signal if a website is trying to get it right or instead has a hidden agenda or knowingly publishes falsehoods or propaganda.”

Or, as it also puts it, the green and red ratings let you “easily determine which you can trust and which you should read with caution.” Phew, that caution was getting tiring!

NewsGuard dings Fox News on 3 of the 9 factors on which it rates news sites, saying it has issues with regularly correcting its errors, disclosing its ownership and financing, and revealing “who’s in charge, including any possible conflicts of interest.” On the other 6 factors — not publishing false content repeatedly, gathering and publishing information responsibly, avoiding deceptive headlines, differentiating news and opinion “responsibly,” clearly labeling advertising, and providing information about reporters — Fox News passes.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
With Fox you almost always get both sides of the story, no matter what show you watch. Only Hannity doesn't bring on opposition guests to debate with - every single one of the rest of them has at least one leftwing fascist voice in the discussion.


Well-Known Member
With Fox you almost always get both sides of the story, no matter what show you watch. Only Hannity doesn't bring on opposition guests to debate with - every single one of the rest of them has at least one leftwing fascist voice in the discussion.

CNN does the same...they employ far right freaks to come on almost every show.

With Fox, you don't get both sides of the have one sacrificial lamb and 5 other folks there telling the lamb why he/she is wrong.

CNN, especially during election season ,will have panels of R and D talking heads on the same set at the same time.

BTW...comrade GURPS article is from August of 2018. He also fails to note that most of his sources are rated at unreliable and get the red.


PREMO Member
With Fox you almost always get both sides of the story,

The problem with Progressives they equate Hanity, Former Hosts O'Reilly and Glenn Beck and others with 'the news' when screeching about bias

NO these guys are commentators ... if you watch the news Shepard Smith [ gay btw] is straight forward reporting

Telling the truth about what the left is really up makes them mad, progressives prefer their sheep docile and uninformed


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The problem with Progressives they equate Hanity, Former Hosts O'Reilly and Glenn Beck and others with 'the news' when screeching about bias

Is Glen Beck on Fox? That's a real question, I don't look for him or care what he has to say.

O'Reilly's whole schtick was debate - whatever his take, the Left or Right side of the argument, he had an opposition guest to spar with.

That's Tucker's thing, too - he even has the Liberal Sherpa to calmly and as rationally as possible explain the thinking behind some of the crazy chit these nuts come up with.

Laura Ingraham - she has Lefties on her show every single night. They all do.

This is how you know that mindless progs are merely parroting what they've been programmed to say, and have never actually watched any Fox shows.