NFL says it is looking into...


...allegations against Favre

(CNN) -- The National Football League said Saturday that it is reviewing reports involving Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre after a sports website posted naked pictures, text and voice messages it alleges he sent to a model and former television host.

When asked about the allegations Friday, the star quarterback declined to comment.

Greg Aiello, an NFL spokesman, said the league is reviewing the matter, but declined further comment.

CNN could not independently confirm whether the voice heard in the recordings belonged to Favre, or whether the notes were in fact sent by him.

NFL says it is looking into allegations against Favre -

Oh Boy. :popcorn: I don't believe it, interested to hear the outcome.


I wonder what will get more media attention; this or Jerry Brown calling Meg Whitman a whore.


24/7 Single Dad
...(CNN) -- The National Football League said Saturday that it is reviewing reports involving Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre after a sports website posted naked pictures, text and voice messages it alleges he sent to a model and former television host.



New Member
The Jets knew this was coming when they traded him. And the Vikings knew it was coming as did Brett, hence the waffling at the beginning of the season about coming back.

That's my take on things anyway.


Us manhos are just trying to catch up.......wimmins lead is still overwhelming...:coffee:


Well-Known Member
Please, by all means, correct me if I am mistaken. I have yet to see it mentioned anywhere that the attention allegedly lavished upon this poor unfortunate soon-to-be Playboy model was UNWELCOME. Just sayin'