NFL tades and Free Agent Action


"Typical White Person"
Daunte Culpepper to the Dolphins and Brees to the Saints....... the action is heating up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was thinking to myself...

AK-74me said:
Daunte Culpepper to the Dolphins and Brees to the Saints....... the action is heating up.

...that Culpepper just looked, in my mind, like he'd end up with the Dolphins.
I could picture it.

Brees, man, go from a playoff contender to the bottom of the barrel. Wow. Didn't see that coming.

I don't see Ramsey as a Jet either but, looks that way I guess.


"Typical White Person"
I guess people were wondering what was going on with Brees, why wasn't there more intrest? I know I was. Then I heard today that the injury he has is the same thing that Chad Penington had. Eventually alot of teams were scared away by this. I was surprised too though that he went to teh Saints, I think SD is gonna me sorry he is gone.


Dancing Up A Storm
So, the Eagles released Terrell Owens, and the Cowboys unloaded Keyshawn as well?


"Typical White Person"
Penn said:
So, the Eagles released Terrell Owens, and the Cowboys unloaded Keyshawn as well?

Yep, Keyshawn was cut, LOL. I forgot to mention the James signing by the Cardinals too, I don't like that one seeing how the Redskins will have another top RB to deal with more often.

Also looks like the Bengals are making a strong push to get Lavar.


Dancing Up A Storm
AK-74me said:
Yep, Keyshawn was cut, LOL. I forgot to mention the James signing by the Cardinals too, I don't like that one seeing how the Redskins will have another top RB to deal with more often.

Also looks like the Bengals are making a strong push to get Lavar.
I still don't see what team would want to take a chance on Owens, after his spectacle this last year.......:eyebrow:


"Typical White Person"
Penn said:
I still don't see what team would want to take a chance on Owens, after his spectacle this last year.......:eyebrow:

I hate to say this and don't want to see it but I think Dallas would be one of the only teams that he might fit into. Although Parcells might suffer a heart attack before it is all over with.


Dancing Up A Storm
Parcells, I don't think would stand for Owens' ego trips and shenanigans.

One of them would have to go..


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Brees wants $10 M w/ $15M in signing bonus. That'll scare anyone away I think. Miami could be a big surprise in the AFC this year. They already have a top flight receiver in Chambers and the RB (Brown?) is a horse.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
JollyRoger said:
Someone needs to get Eric Moulds out of Buffalo....he wants out. WR BTW!
No vacancies in Ashburn. The skins have at least 7 now. Try Cleveland.

Ryan Clark now a Steeler.


"Typical White Person"
More moves by the Skins. Signed Andre Carter to a six year deal, and Todd Collins is now making his home in D.C. Looks like Ramsey might not be a Jet afterall, they want to give us a 7th rd. pick and Skins want a 4th, and don't seem to be waivering.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ramsey odd man out...

...Dante to Miami, Brees to N'awlins. Kitna to Detroit. The prognosticator word is that now the Jets go for Leinhart of USC.

No one is trading for Ramsey, especially after Dante only garnered a second round pick and the Skins have 5 guys, Brunell, Ramsey, Collins and Campbell plus Randel El, at QB.

There's only 4 teams left not set at QB; Cleveland, the Jets, the Raiders and the Packers. The Browns already have a vet in Dilfer and the Pack is, obviously, only if Brett retires and the Raiders if they let Collins go and if the Jets go for Leinhart and decide Boller is an unproven guy they at least know, then, along with Ferotte and Brooks now floating around, that doesn't leave very many chairs for Pat when the music stops. Maybe Cinncy if Palmer isn't on schedule.

And none of this allows foir Vince Young which could be the way the Raiders or Pack go given what it seems the other top picking teams are looking at...

And this doesn't allow for what the Titans may do looking to replace an aging McNair.

Nor is there a clue as to Penningtons future.

Further in this outlook is that the Jets ain't going anywhere soon, so that lends itself to go with Leinhart and let the team grow with him.

The same argument says that the Saints, also going nowhere soon, messed up with Brees because they could have had their pick of Leinhart or Young.

So, the Redskins are a play away from Campbell or Collins and Ramsey, last years day one starter, doesn't look like a fit anywhere at this point.

The amazing world of pro football.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
You didn't mention Houston for Vince Young. Hell, there was even a thread in here about that possibility. With the scenario you're painting, the skins may have to package Ramsey w/ a WR to get a trade. Ramsey and Thrash to the Jets for Abraham?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I left the Texans out...

kom526 said:
You didn't mention Houston for Vince Young. Hell, there was even a thread in here about that possibility. With the scenario you're painting, the skins may have to package Ramsey w/ a WR to get a trade. Ramsey and Thrash to the Jets for Abraham?

...because they forked over $6 some odd mil roster bonus to Carr a month or so ago and they and everyone else keep saying Bush. But, yeah, anythings possible. I had written that Vince the Longhorn was a natural for Houston, as I see it, given all their other weaknesses, but, I ain't in charge. I don't see them needing Bush either with a proven, durable pro like Davis. Again, just my opine.

No one is going to give up anything for Ramsey because his value is zero; They showed their hand, for those paying no attention whatsoever, signing Collins. The Skins can't just keep the guy. I mean, I guess they could but who is going to give up a pick thinking Gibbs would otherwise keep a player he's already show zero respect for? Where's the logic? They save almost $2 mil if they just cut him and everyone knows that.

If Joe Gibbs is not willing to just let Ramsey go after the way he has treated him AND the class Ramsey has shown, I lose some respect for Gibbs which I already have in how he's handled this matter. Money means NOTHING to the Redskins.

If the Redskins get Abraham AND are able to sign some draft picks, I think we can do away with any talk of the cap ever again meaning anything. It's a joke.

With a $100 mil a year and higher cap number you can essentially sign anyone you want for a $10 mil signing bonus on a 5 year contract times 50 guys, or $500 million, and have it spread over the five years to equal the $100 mil yearly cap.

Think about that. That is obviously an exageration because you won't keep everyone for five years and thus need to replace them with new contracts but you are also not going to give 50 guys $10 mil to sign so, given probably 30 guys making and counting only one million a year or so, that leaves $70 million a year in cap room for your 20 or so big time players.

Obviously $70 mil is way more than even 20 superstars are going to cost so, the room is simply there to play with. It's a simple matter of guys numbers from 3,4 and 5 years ago who are long gone but still count cap wise (Bruce Smith, Dion, etc...) finally expiring from counting in time to go on and nail down the next bunch of big numbers while balancing the new numbers.

The Skins were OVER by almost $20 mil a week ago and have just spent some $20 mil more. So much fo the 'cap'.


"Typical White Person"
All good points Larry. Skins should just accept a "whatever we can get" trade for Ramsey and let him go try to prove himself else where, everyone knows he will not be a Redskin this year one way or the other.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd LOVE to see Ramsey...

AK-74me said:
All good points Larry. Skins should just accept a "whatever we can get" trade for Ramsey and let him go try to prove himself else where, everyone knows he will not be a Redskin this year one way or the other.

...get a shot at bombs away in Oakland. Porter and Moss?

Randy Moss is a guy who you simply throw the ball to no matter how he's covered. Ramsey throws smoke, not floaters, so, at most, the D only has time to double him and that's IF they call a play to double him at the snap.

Porter is a hell of an option as well. Those two and Ramseys attitude towards giving guys time to get open AND throw the damn thing instead of the Brunell art of eat it or throw it to the peanut guy virtually guarantees 4 defenders MUST be off the line of scrimmage, every play. That, by my math, leaves 7 to stop the run, then throw in the 6' 7" Courtney Anderson at TE who you have to cover in man or he'll catch a ball for 5 yards every time and now you got 6 defenders trying to stop the run.

Anyone in the NFL can run againt 6.

Love to see him in black and silver.


"Typical White Person"
I hope the best for Ramsey, I was not a supporter of him while he was here, I would get frustrated with him too easy. I do how ever appreciate how he didn't make too many waves and was a team player. I think you are right that he may fit for Oakland although I hate to see him go to that franchise, Raiders are very low on my totum pole of NFL teams.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I was hoping Brees would head to the Packers. I thought he would have been a good fit to replace Brett Favre.

But I'm glad he's gone from the Chargers, even if it is to New Orleans.
The Chargers never really believed in him.