NFL tades and Free Agent Action

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hear that...

AK-74me said:
fit for Oakland although I hate to see him go to that franchise, Raiders are very low on my totum pole of NFL teams.

...Raider nation, love 'em or hate 'em. Not to many people are neutral.

If there were no Skins they'd be my team though in January, 1984 I didn't think much of them.


kom526 said:
Brees wants $10 M w/ $15M in signing bonus. That'll scare anyone away I think. Miami could be a big surprise in the AFC this year. They already have a top flight receiver in Chambers and the RB (Brown?) is a horse.

Brees wanted his bonus upfront, and the Dolphins didn't want to payout the bonus until after the first year and after they had seen how his shoulder would hold up. When Brees wouldn't budge the Dolphins signed Dante, which left Brees scrambling for cover. There isn't that much of an open used QB market this year, so he had to take the best offer available, even if that meant the Saints.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I was glad to see Houston pick up Flanagan from Green Bay. Expirience on the o-line is what we need. With him at center, they can shift Kinney over to left guard and give Carr more protection. I can't wait till the draft. Don't want Young though, I just don't see a place for him on the team. He won't replace Carr starting and he doesn't seem like the kind of player that will settle for back up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I did not realize anyone...

Bustem' Down said:
I was glad to see Houston pick up Flanagan from Green Bay. Expirience on the o-line is what we need. With him at center, they can shift Kinney over to left guard and give Carr more protection. I can't wait till the draft. Don't want Young though, I just don't see a place for him on the team. He won't replace Carr starting and he doesn't seem like the kind of player that will settle for back up.

...used the word 'we' when refering to the Texans.


Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...used the word 'we' when refering to the Texans.


I sometimes talk in the plural whe talking about my favorite teams.

I'd like to see them pick up Moulds from Buffalo.
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