NFL's Chris Henry fights for life...


Dancing Up A Storm
What 5 some arrests?? Let go by how many teams? he's a hoodlum. Lost his life acting like a hoodlum. No loss here. Cya, wouldn't wanna be ya. :howdy:

I can't agree any more than that with ya!

So ---- why is ESPN, and the rest of the sports nation folks, trying to convince us that Chris Henry was a "changed man", when all the evidence suggests otherwise?

What's the point? The dude was a thug!


I can't agree any more than that with ya!

So ---- why is ESPN, and the rest of the sports nation folks, trying to convince us that Chris Henry was a "changed man", when all the evidence suggests otherwise?

What's the point? The dude was a thug!

And this is what I don't get, I'm sure he is only one of many, yet they are allowed to play pro football and make amazing money. This drives me nuts.


I bowl overhand
We don't know the whole story yet, but something still makes me wonder about this tale: what was it that made this guy want to jump into the back of a truck, to try and keep this gal from leaving him?

Like I said earlier, ESPN has tried it's best to portray Chris Henry as some sort of reformist, a man who had changed his lifestyle - for the good - and yet he ends up dead, as a result of all this?

I have to call a Bull Shaitt!! - on this one. It just doesn't add up. Maybe he reverted to the faults of his previous lifestyle, and noone noticed it?

Oh yeah! ESPN has shown a video of Chad Ochocinco(sp?), saying they were the best of friends! With him on your side, what else can be said? :killingme

What previous life?? Was he reincarnated??


Dancing Up A Storm
What previous life?? Was he reincarnated??

Sounds as though they(ESPN, etal.) would like you to believe that. They televised - more than a few times - an interview with the GM and the coach of the team, just how great a man he had become, in the last year or so, only to wake up to the fact that he had died in a tragic accident. You could almost see the tears running down their cheeks, as they praised his - so-called - recovery!

I damn near puked, watching the first episode; I flipped the channel when I saw it coming on again! These guys are lying to themselves, if they believe that BS!

Look, noone wants to see a man die, in such a tragic manner; but to play it up, like he was some sort of hero, well that just makes me sick to my stomach.......


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
NFL won't let Chad Ochocinco wear Chris Henry's jersey during the Bengals game... now that's :bs:


Oh yeah! ESPN has shown a video of Chad Ochocinco(sp?), saying they were the best of friends! With him on your side, what else can be said? :killingme

are you saying OchoCinco is a bad person? The dude is a goofball...but how many times has he been arrested? How many times has he got in trouble for drugs, fighting, etc. Zero..

He's the first to say he does dumb things...his dumb things are excessive celebrations and behavior that gets him fined....which the league allows him to donate to charities most of the time....

I guess my point is give Chad a break....there are alot worse examples out there than a guy who puts on a sombrero and dances..


Like a former NY Giant WR for one.

or guys who put contracts out on spouses lives, or guys who murder their exwife and boyfriend then perform armed assault in a vegas hotel, or guys the fight dogs, guys that make it rain on strippers with scared money...etc etc etc


Dancing Up A Storm
are you saying OchoCinco is a bad person? The dude is a goofball...but how many times has he been arrested? How many times has he got in trouble for drugs, fighting, etc. Zero..

He's the first to say he does dumb things...his dumb things are excessive celebrations and behavior that gets him fined....which the league allows him to donate to charities most of the time....

I guess my point is give Chad a break....there are alot worse examples out there than a guy who puts on a sombrero and dances..

.........or offers bribe money to referees. Remember THAT one?

I did not say he was a particularly bad person, heck I didn't even imply anything of the sort about him. However, you nailed it: He is one heck of a goofball! That was what I was getting at.

Now, as BuddyLee mentioned - the ex-wide receiver of the NY Giants - there is a dude that could well have fatally wounded himself, in that nightclub. He got away lucky on that one. Seems he had a loaded semi-automatic pistol tucked in his belt. When he felt it slipping down his pants, he makes a grab for it, and it went off, grazing his thigh, if I remember correctly.

Question is - why was there a round in the chamber, and further, why was the SAFETY OFF?? The weapon was cocked as well, or else it would not have gone off. Real smart move on his behalf, carrying it in that manner.

These guys in the NFL are indeed talented, however, there are more than a few nutcases among them. Some are worse than others.....



.........or offers bribe money to referees. Remember THAT one?

I did not say he was a particularly bad person, heck I didn't even imply anything of the sort about him. However, you nailed it: He is one heck of a goofball! That was what I was getting at.

Now, as BuddyLee mentioned - the ex-wide receiver of the NY Giants - there is a dude that could well have fatally wounded himself, in that nightclub. He got away lucky on that one. Seems he had a loaded semi-automatic pistol tucked in his belt. When he felt it slipping down his pants, he makes a grab for it, and it went off, grazing his thigh, if I remember correctly.

Question is - why was there a round in the chamber, and further, why was the SAFETY OFF?? The weapon was cocked as well, or else it would not have gone off. Real smart move on his behalf, carrying it in that manner.

These guys in the NFL are indeed talented, however, there are more than a few nutcases among them. Some are worse than others.....

the bribing thing was hilarious considering everything that was going on with the NBA...


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
are you saying OchoCinco is a bad person? The dude is a goofball...but how many times has he been arrested? How many times has he got in trouble for drugs, fighting, etc. Zero..

He's the first to say he does dumb things...his dumb things are excessive celebrations and behavior that gets him fined....which the league allows him to donate to charities most of the time....

I guess my point is give Chad a break....there are alot worse examples out there than a guy who puts on a sombrero and dances..

Ocho is hilarious :yay:


Dancing Up A Storm
he said on FB a little bit ago he has set aside 100K for fines this weekend...

What can you make out of that? :whistle:

Sounds as though he's already come up with a plan, a scheme - to draw attention - either to himself, or, for Chris Henry's behalf. JMHO

BTW, ESPN and the USA Today sports sections have addressed the same issue. They are wondering what kind of stunt Ochocinco will come up with during the game....


What can you make out of that? :whistle:

Sounds as though he's already come up with a plan, a scheme - to draw attention - either to himself, or, for Chris Henry's behalf. JMHO

BTW, ESPN and the USA Today sports sections have addressed the same issue. They are wondering what kind of stunt Ochocinco will come up with during the game....

he said he was going to wear Henry's jersey yesterday and the league said i'm sure that is what he is planning...

plus i might add again..the league let's him donate his fines to charity most of the time so i'm sure it will go to Henry's kids or something...


Active Member
are you saying OchoCinco is a bad person? The dude is a goofball...but how many times has he been arrested? How many times has he got in trouble for drugs, fighting, etc. Zero..

He's the first to say he does dumb things...his dumb things are excessive celebrations and behavior that gets him fined....which the league allows him to donate to charities most of the time....

I guess my point is give Chad a break....there are alot worse examples out there than a guy who puts on a sombrero and dances..


I'm not defending Chris Henry's behavior in the past but this article may bring some insight into how he was trying to change his ways.

Sad Thing Is, Henry Really Did Change -- NFL FanHouse
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