NHL Lockout


my war

NHL unhappy with union response

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said the players' union made three counteroffers to the league's latest proposal on Thursday, but they were "nowhere close" to what the NHL offered Tuesday.

"We were done in an hour today because there was really nothing there," Bettman said after leaving the NHLPA offices in Toronto.

The plan included a 50-50 split in hockey-related revenue. The NHL proposed in July to cut the percentage of hockey-related revenue from 57 percent to 43 percent, then increased its offer in September to about 47 percent.

NHL players' union head Donald Fehr met with players afterward to formulate the union's response. In a letter to players and agents, he said the management plan would cost his members more than $1.6 billion over six years.

Thursday's meetings, according to Bettman, were a "step backward."

"I am to say the least totally disappointed," he said.


my war
Tom Wilson Breaks Knuckle in Fight With One Big Punch

When George McPhee selected Tom Wilson at #16 in this past year’s draft, the Washington Capitals GM said he was enamored with Wilson’s toughness and offensive upside. The six-foot, four-inch behemoth performed for the Plymouth Whalers during the playoffs, scoring 7 goals and 6 assists in 13 playoff games. He also opened some eyes during last year’s CHL Top Prospects game, breaking his knuckle in a fight against Dalton Thrower.

Well, he did it again. This time, Wilson broke his knuckle in a fight with Mitchell Fitzmorris, where he TKO’d the Kingston Frontenacs’ left wing out with a haymaker.
