Nice Guy Syndrome


Im On 1.
Nice guys think women are a 'special species' from another planet. Nice guys suffocate their girlfriends, expecting them to be their lovers, mother, sister, princess, china doll, and the Goddess who brings up the sun in their mornings. They also expect their girlfriends to be their best buddy, because 'real' guys won't have anything to do with the geeks!

Nice guys sit there entranced by their girlfriends as the girlfriend carries on the whole conversation by themselves. Nice guys haven't lived so they have nothing to add to the conversation. Nice guys bore women to death. Nice guys stare at their girlfriends in total worship awe. Women find it difficult to eat when they are being visually consumed by a staring, mindless dope.

Nice guys pretend to be 'just our friend' and then go home and fantasize about us mothering their 'nice guy' kids. Nice guys have no real life or interest of their own. They sit around and dream of getting a girlfriend to fill their empty lives. Nice guys feel so undeserving of 'awesome you' that they make you feel that you have, most assuredly, picked a real loser.

Nice guys think women are porcelain goddesses. Women don't want to have to keep living up to a surreal image.

Nice guys think that if a woman doesn't want to have anything to do with their boring, empty shell of manlihood, they're stupid bytches who would rather be with a jerk that beats them. Yep, this is every woman's dream[/sarcasm].

Nice guys are too STUPID to figure out that woman don't want to be the leader on the dance floor.

Nice guys sit there like passive puppies, waiting for their girl to make all the moves. This is because woman love to feel undesirable.

Nice guys are gentle, tender, pedal-soft lovers. Woman love this...hopefully her nice guy will wake her up to let her know that he is coming. "I'm not hurting you now, am I hon.?" Hopefully, your nice guy will eventually turn into a jerk and cheat on you (so someone else can endure his lack of lovemaking skills).

Nice guys will make you feel guilty if you spend a minute anywhere but with them.

Nice guys will buy you flowers. Then ask you all evening long if you liked them.

Nice guys are hideously insecure. Nice guys never do for you anything for the simple sake of giving. Everything they do for their girlfriends are like stock investments. The stock is up at Acceptance and Approval. Each gift he gives you, or loving gesture he shows you, is really a guaranteed down payment toward a future of him clinging to you like a drowning man to a life-saver.

Nice guys are confused about romance. They either go overboard and bring a dozen roses to a "lets go for a walk in the park" date...or...they are so unsuave and unsure of themselves that they hang around you, pretending to be your friend. Yep, I just love an unconfident, self-doubting man. Nice guys are so desperate to please that they have no identity of their own. Ask a nice guy his thoughts on anything. Guess what? He doesn't have any!

Nice guys are easily used. I just love a man I have no respect for. [/more sarcasm]

Nice guys suffer from the "Night in Shining Armor" syndrome. They pick out the sleaziest, "hard luck" cases to rescue. *snicker*

Nice guys make you their Life, their only source of happiness. Woman love this burden placed on them. [/even more sarcasm]

Nice Guys really don't like themselves. Insecurity is not sexy, it is suffocating, clinging and obsessive. :shocking:


No Longer the Kid
Im a nice guy...not that "nice" but, I dont do half that suffocating, staring, and a few others.....but Im still a nice guy, I open doors, appreciate things she does for me, by her things unexpectedly, an some other stuff.... So should I change my thinkin process bout being a nice guy ? :confused:


New Member
Softballkid said:
Im a nice guy...not that "nice" but, I dont do half that suffocating, staring, and a few others.....but Im still a nice guy, I open doors, appreciate things she does for me, by her things unexpectedly, an some other stuff.... So should I change my thinkin process bout being a nice guy ? :confused:
If you want a girl like qurious.....


Well-Known Member

What you described is not a "nice guy". You described Norman Bates. A "nice guy" would have no problem telling a dumba$$ like you to ####


New Member
Softballkid said:

I want a woman like you :flowers: :drool: :howdy:


Sorry, I don't like nice guys, I am after a man that will beat me up and then tell me how much he loves me......

Shame and we coulda been good together too....


No Longer the Kid
Tina2001aniT said:
Sorry, I don't like nice guys, I am after a man that will beat me up and then tell me how much he loves me......

Shame and we coulda been good together too....

I can learn... Ill kick ya in the shine in a few times for warm ups, then you can teach me the hardcore stuff :)


24/7 Single Dad
HollowSoul said:
this is gonna be fun....
Naw, it'll be like all her other posts. She makes an incredibly stupid statement like "Was I wrong to slug my boyfriend" or "My BF wants to know if I'm a hooker, should I tell him", everybody will slam her and she'll just move on to another subject.


New Member
Softballkid said:
I can learn... Ill kick ya in the shine in a few times for warm ups, then you can teach me the hardcore stuff :)

Nope that won't work either, I have to be able to complain about how much I hate what you do, but I know that you love me....and :blahblahblah:, it just doesn't work if I have to teach ya....


24/7 Single Dad
Tina2001aniT said:
Nope that won't work either, I have to be able to complain about how much I hate what you do, but I know that you love me....and :blahblahblah:, it just doesn't work if I have to teach ya....
:smack: Shuddup woman.

Sorry babe, :flowers: :love: you know I love ya.


Qurious said:
Nice guys think women are a 'special species' from another planet. Nice guys suffocate their girlfriends, expecting them to be their lovers, mother, sister, princess, china doll, and the Goddess who brings up the sun in their mornings. They also expect their girlfriends to be their best buddy, because 'real' guys won't have anything to do with the geeks!~~~~Skanks tend to believe that all men owe them something, the are completely hung on themselves and truely believe that they are conciderably more attractive than they really are....(nice guys usually take pity on these poor creatures so that they can practice on their "grudge f*ck" skills" by luring these so called skanks to the bedroom)

Nice guys sit there entranced by their girlfriends as the girlfriend carries on the whole conversation by themselves. Nice guys haven't lived so they have nothing to add to the conversation. Nice guys bore women to death. Nice guys stare at their girlfriends in total worship awe. Women find it difficult to eat when they are being visually consumed by a staring, mindless dope.~~~~Skanks such as this usually can never shut up so we never get a word in edgwise for the forementioned mantool seems to truely believe that she alone is the center of the universe and deserves complete attention at all times

Nice guys pretend to be 'just our friend' and then go home and fantasize about us mothering their 'nice guy' kids. Nice guys have no real life or interest of their own. They sit around and dream of getting a girlfriend to fill their empty lives. Nice guys feel so undeserving of 'awesome you' that they make you feel that you have, most assuredly, picked a real loser.~~~~~Skanks usually go home alone "10 foot pole rule applies"

Nice guys think women are porcelain goddesses. Women don't want to have to keep living up to a surreal image.~~~~~Don't worry....we really thing skanks are mostly drywall and plaster

Nice guys think that if a woman doesn't want to have anything to do with their boring, empty shell of manlihood, they're stupid bytches who would rather be with a jerk that beats them. Yep, this is every woman's dream[/sarcasm].~~~~~Skank attracts Skank

Nice guys are too STUPID to figure out that woman don't want to be the leader on the dance floor.~~~~a good percentage of skanks will usually only go to the dance floor IF you buy them a drink first, and this is only because they allready spent their foodstamps in order to get in the door in the first place

Nice guys sit there like passive puppies, waiting for their girl to make all the moves. This is because woman love to feel undesirable.~~~~No...actually we are wondering if you shaved first, god knows we don't want to go down on chewbacca

Nice guys are gentle, tender, pedal-soft lovers. Woman love this...hopefully her nice guy will wake her up to let her know that he is coming. "I'm not hurting you now, am I hon.?" Hopefully, your nice guy will eventually turn into a jerk and cheat on you (so someone else can endure his lack of lovemaking skills).~~~~~~Skanks are like lines at the grocery store, during the shopping process you are happy with what is in your cart.....but once you get next to the cashier and realize that we have to "unload" all that crap again...well you get the picture

Nice guys will make you feel guilty if you spend a minute anywhere but with them. ~~~~~nope.....leave please, and take that dayum stain in the bathroom with you!......but please do my dishes first

Nice guys will buy you flowers. Then ask you all evening long if you liked them.~~~~A skank will never buy you anything (remember this men)

Nice guys are hideously insecure. Nice guys never do for you anything for the simple sake of giving. Everything they do for their girlfriends are like stock investments. The stock is up at Acceptance and Approval. Each gift he gives you, or loving gesture he shows you, is really a guaranteed down payment toward a future of him clinging to you like a drowning man to a life-saver.~~~~Do something nice more than 3 times a week...and a Skank will expect it 3 times a day

Nice guys are confused about romance. They either go overboard and bring a dozen roses to a "lets go for a walk in the park" date...or...they are so unsuave and unsure of themselves that they hang around you, pretending to be your friend. Yep, I just love an unconfident, self-doubting man. Nice guys are so desperate to please that they have no identity of their own. Ask a nice guy his thoughts on anything. Guess what? He doesn't have any! ~~~~~Skanks usually drain all emotion and frutility out of normal men....only the stron survive and show thir appreciation on special occasions with a trip to Mcdonalds

Nice guys are easily used. I just love a man I have no respect for. [/more sarcasm] ~~~~~Skanks will have sex with anyone they meet.....and an occasional farm animal

Nice guys suffer from the "Night in Shining Armor" syndrome. They pick out the sleaziest, "hard luck" cases to rescue. *snicker*~~~~~~all Skanks are hard luck cases

Nice guys make you their Life, their only source of happiness. Woman love this burden placed on them. [/even more sarcasm]~~~~~awww poor baby....god forbid a real man should show you REAL affection

Nice Guys really don't like themselves. Insecurity is not sexy, it is suffocating, clinging and obsessive. :shocking:~~~~~~~look in the mirror please....
every woman has a skanky friend, if you don't....YOU must be the skank



No Longer the Kid
Well screw it...Imma jus be if that aint mean enough... then... then... then....Im leaving.......huh!! :razz: