Vrai...brief, direct, and right on the money. Two things you wrote articulate an illusive thought that lingers in American Minds...especially:
We'll leave them alone, but they don't want to leave us alone.
* They see our capitalism as taking advantage of their poverty stricken, manual- labor work force...while we live in relative comfort.
*They see our unwavering support of Israel as direct provocation of an illegal regime that abuses fellow moslems.
*They condemn our western media as being decadent and our images nothing short of graven images of idolatry...and these corrupt their beloved youth. (Look at the behavior of the 9/11 terrorists...drinking, prostitution, porn movies etc..proof that we easily corrupt their holy warriors)
Thus...we are incapable of "leaving them alone." and thus:
they don't want to leave us alone---we deserve enslavement and death.
Their choices? #1Continued poverty, disruption, jihad, hostility, factions and especially ISOLATION from the corrupt West.
#2Cooperation, capitalism, trade, education for all, bodies of liberties, and connections with the West.
Sadly...I believe they'll choose #1 because it will fit better into their passion for Allah (may he be blessed
) and time will be the only agent that will elimate their radicals (all revolutions will eventually feed on their leaders)