

Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Give it up, it's like talking to a turnip.
I did. Iggy for UP. I hope people will quit quoting UP so I don't see his inane stupidity and blasphemous statements anymore.


Toxick said:
I totally disagree with this. Why should having a diploma be requisit for voting? There are some very sharp people with GED's.

True. I forgot about GED's...but there should still be some sort of minimal requirement. A good friend of mine graduated with a GED. I heard he got into MIT...

Same goes for serving on a jury...needs to be some minimal requirement set other than just age and being a registerd voter...Sure I would want to be judged by a group of my peers. But I'm sure anyone would want a jury of well educated people vices the sort that well....need to go back to junior high and sit with their clicks...

Toxick said:
In fact, I think that ALL white male property-owners should be able to vote.



Not dead yet.
UrbanPancake said:
Did you hear that the Children of America voted on Nickelodeon and they voted for Kerry!!! It's a sign from God that change is a'cummin. :patriot:

You DO know that Nickelodeon is owned by MTV, don't you? Does anyone here wonder about the political leanings of MTV? They make Dan Rather look like a conservative old fuddy duddy.

I did hear that they got the last four elections right on this one, though. Given the fact that these kids are likely parroting their parents opinions, it may be cause for some concern, but not much.


Hey UrbanPancake - You may be on to something! I believe in God and I believe God speaks through me. He told me to vote for Kerry! :angel:


That's it people let Jesus into your lives and vote for Kerry. May God give you the power to vote for the Kerry/Edwards ticket. Accept him into your life as I have and vote with the cross this election. May God be the for KERRY.

This is God telling you to vote for KERRY.

This message was approved by God and his partner in crime Jesus.