
My oldest is Rew ( his name is andrew and I named him that to call him drew and he hates it but loves rew) my daughter I call Dinks but dont know why.


Individually I call mines "Bunky", "Punkin-head" and "Booger-face".

Collectively, I refer to them as The Ninjae.


Happy Camper!
The oldest 2's nicknames are just the first 2 or 3 letters of their names but the baby started as teeny girl then that got dropped to teeny and now it's just "teen" for short


yeah yeah
My daughter has the nicknames of Skeeter and Squeeker. Skeeter is what I called her when I was pregnant with her and Squeeker has been as of the last few months with how she laughs. Daddy calls her LindeyBear


Mommy of 2
My daugther's NN are Shan (1st part of her name) turkey butt , pinkie pie . Son's name's are dewter bug ,little man ,turkey butt also lol


My niece is Natty or Ribbit, depending on who's doing the calling. My nephew is Turkey.


Major Nelson is my hero
I think tiger would be a cool nick name for a kid. I always wanted somone to tussle my hair and "say go get um tiger."


I think tiger would be a cool nick name for a kid. I always wanted somone to tussle my hair and "say go get um tiger."

My daughter's middle name is Tyger. I call her "Becca" or "BoBo". She wants to be called "Tyger". :lol:

When my son gets on my nerves I call him "Wilber".

Daughter gave my mom a nickname when she was about three years old. My mother is no longer a mom, she is a "Sommy". Everyone in the family calls her that now.

Yes, my family calls me "Wenchy".

Nicknames and names are interesting. Continue...


off the shelf
23 yr old = kid
20 yr old = boy
18 yr old = mico
15 yr old = baby
10 yr old = muttly or zman
grandbaby = missbooboolip

all of them together = mutts


New Member
My sons name is tony hubby calls him tony macaroni and i call him stinky. He has stinky feet. My daughter Lily buggerbutt. That was my nickname as a child and she looks and acts just like me.


Cubscout MoM
My Oldest Son is CamDog, my youngest is Poohie or just Pooh, my husband is A-Train and I'm Jaxi. Everyone in my crazy household gets a nick name. :howdy:


New Member
I call my daughter Doodlebug or just Doodle.

My nicknames from my Dad are Gymbob or Alice Ann Daughter Girl... and no, my name isn't Alice or Ann. :shrug:


Soul Probe
My boys are Bubby and Bo - both of which were derivatives of brother which the other could not say as a young child.

My girls are Jed and Woo - both explanations of which are too drawn out to explain here.