Nightmares about the Presidential Election


Well-Known Member
I have a sneaky suspicion that if Bush gets reelected, he will push again for the open borders with Mexico. Even if he has to cut the budget for the border guards, or reduce the customs officers or grant amnesty by Executive Order.
Think how Clinton went nuts at the end of his second term with the pardons.
Bush has higher integrity BUT he also wants his own way with ushering in the age of Latino North America.

Constitution Party...


Where are my pants?
Bush has higher integrity BUT he also wants his own way with ushering in the age of Latino North America.

You think so, Hessian? :confused:

I was under the impression that he was just pining for Hispanic votes when November rolls around---not that he had any great love for them.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Hessian
I have a sneaky suspicion that if Bush gets reelected, he will push again for the open borders with Mexico. Even if he has to cut the budget for the border guards, or reduce the customs officers or grant amnesty by Executive Order.
Think how Clinton went nuts at the end of his second term with the pardons.
Bush has higher integrity BUT he also wants his own way with ushering in the age of Latino North America.

Constitution Party...

I don't much care if we let the Mexicans come in IF they want to work. I'm all for immigrating in people who will actually work at a job, since we have so many lazy azzes here who won't. I do have an issue with welfare for illegals, but then again I have issues with welfare for legals. :shrug:

You know one thing I've never bothered to really research, is why there are so many illegals, when we have so many avenues to come to this country legally. :shrug: Anyone care to enlighten me?


Originally posted by Hessian
I have a sneaky suspicion that if Bush gets reelected, he will push again for the open borders with Mexico. Even if he has to cut the budget for the border guards, or reduce the customs officers or grant amnesty by Executive Order.
Think how Clinton went nuts at the end of his second term with the pardons.
Bush has higher integrity BUT he also wants his own way with ushering in the age of Latino North America.

Constitution Party...

Can you tell me what the Constitution Party stands for?:confused: Curious.


I guess I just don't understand why any Independent voter would not want to vote for GWB. I can understand why the far-Lefties wouldn't vote for him, but why not the Moderates? I mean, here's a President who's actually done more than endlessly talk about problems and actually done something. For example...

On defense, he's the first President since Reagan who's tossed aside the foolish idea of proportional response, which is the assinine policy that empowered Al Qaeda and Bin Ladin in the first place. He doesn't blow up buildings in response to an attack, he takes out the attackers. He doesn't go on tv and whine about foreign attacks... he goes on tv and says our counter-attack is underway. Agree with the targets or not, this type of response shows that Americans have resolve... something that's been missing over the past years. Fear of death gets the attention of foreign leaders and despots... not fear of losing a couple of buildings and night janitors.

On education, everyone thought the NCLB act was a great thing when they were only talking about the issues. Then when Bush dared to follow through on his call for school accountability, the Liberals started damning Bush and his policy. The Democrats claimed education as their issue but what did they ever do to fix the problems? Not a damn thing, and education has been sliding for years. The NCLB act may not have been perfect, but it's a good start, and that's more than the Democrats have ever done.

On prescription drugs for seniors, this has been another issue that's been around for decades and that Republicans and Democrats have done nothing but pay lip service to. Bush was the first President to say let's do something besides talk. The Democrats say Bush's plan was horrible, but the AARP and other senior's organizations loved it. Now who are you going to believe on that issue? If the plan didn't benefit seniors in a real way, those gorups would have turned their noses up at it.

On the economy, Bush has recovered this country from a recession that was brought about by the collapse of the technology sector and the realization that over-valued Internet stocks were wayyyy overvalued, and add to that the 9/11 attacks. That he was able to accomplish this without any major industrial god sends like the PC market did for Clinton, and the feat becomes even more impressive. Just think of where we would be today if Gore and tax INCREASES had been the way of the land over the past three+ years?

On immigration, you may not like the idea of allowing a lot of documented Mexicans into the country, but let's face it... undocumented aliens have been flooding in for years and nobody's done a thing about it. Again, Bush's approach may not be perfect, but the immense amount of special interests on both sides of the issue means that we'll never see a "perfect" plan to solve the problem. Bush's plan at least gets us away from the "Just Talking About It" mode and offers a good base that we can modify later. And placing Mexicans aside, don't forget that we're now finally making some good sense changes to the way aliens enter our country from around the world.

If I were to fault Bush for anything, it would be on the lack of a national energy policy. He keeps getting twisted around by the Democrats who think that higher gas prices and high-priced alternative fuel vehicles are going to save the day. We need to develop low-cost alternative-energy vehicles, but they are a long way off. In the meantime, we need to secure more domestic oil and increase our refining capacity.

You may not like everything that Bush does, or agree with his policies. But you have to admit that he's a President who does more than just endlessly debate problems and do nothing about them so that he can keep both sides of the issues happy. He makes lots of friends and lots of enemies, and that's to be expected of someone who's not willing to walk the middle and do nothing... like some other candidate I know.
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Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Bruzilla
I guess I just don't understand why any Independent voter would not want to vote for GWB. I can understand why the far-Lefties wouldn't vote for him, but why not the Moderates? I mean, here's a President who's actually done more than endlessly talk about problems and actually done something. For example...

On defense, he's the first President since Reagan who's tossed aside the foolish idea of proportional response, which is the assinine policy that empowered Al Qaeda and Bin Ladin in the first place. He doesn't blow up buildings in response to an attack, he takes out the attackers. He doesn't go on tv and whine about foreign attacks... he goes on tv and says our counter-attack is underway. Agree with the targets or not, this type of response shows that Americans have resolve... something that's been missing over the past years. Fear of death gets the attention of foreign leaders and despots... not fear of losing a couple of buildings and night janitors.

On education, everyone thought the NCLB act was a great thing when they were only talking about the issues. Then when Bush dared to follow through on his call for school accountability, the Liberals started damning Bush and his policy. The Democrats claimed education as their issue but what did they ever do to fix the problems? Not a damn thing, and education has been sliding for years. The NCLB act may not have been perfect, but it's a good start, and that's more than the Democrats have ever done.

On prescription drugs for seniors, this has been another issue that's been around for decades and that Republicans and Democrats have done nothing but pay lip service to. Bush was the first President to say let's do somehting besides talk. The Democrats say Bush's plan was horrible, but the AARP and other senior's organizations loved it. Now who are you going to believe on that issue? If the plan didn't benefit seniors in a real way, those gorups would have turned their noses up at it.

On the economy, Bush has recovered this country from a recession that was brought about by the collapse of the technology sector and the realization that over-valued Internet stocks were wayyyy overvalued, and add to that the 9/11 attacks. That he was able to accomplish this without any major industrial god sends like the PC market did for Clinton, and the feat becomes even more impressive. Just think of where we would be today if Gore and tax INCREASES had been the way of the land over the past three+ years?

On immigration, you may not like the idea of allowing a lot of documented Mexicans into the country, but let's face it... undocumented aliens have been flooding in for years and nobody's done a thing about it. Again, Bush's approach may not be perfect, but the immense amount of special interests on both sides of the issue means that we'll never see a "perfect" plan to solve the problem. Bush's plan at least gets us away from the "Just Talking About It" mode and offers a good base that we can modify later. And placing Mexicans aside, don't forget that we're now finally making some good sense changes to the way aliens enter our country from around the world.

If I were to fault Bush for anything, it would be on the lack of a national energy policy. He keeps getting twisted around by the Democrats who think that higher gas prices and high-priced alternative fuel vehicles are going to save the day. We need to develop low-cost alternative-energy vehicles, but they are a long way off. In the meantime, we need to secure more domestic oil and increase our refining capacity.

You may not like everything that Bush does, or agree with his policies. But you have to admit that he's a President who does more than just endlessly debate problems and do nothing about them so that he can keep both sides of the issues happy. He makes lots of friends and lots of enemies, and that's to be expected of someone who's not willing to walk the middle and do nothing... like some other candidate I know.

Excellent Post! :clap: :clap: