Next time you see her friend's parents tell them your family is converting to Judaism. You'll know right away.
Actually what you'd tell her is that it's not "Muslims" necessarily, but Islamic fundamentalists. There's a difference.
Thing is, while I’ve known MANY Muslims - to a t, every last one of them had some level of dislike for Jews, even if just saying their religion is false or some crap like that. And THEY didn’t draw a distinction between Jews and Israelis or Zionists. If there was an event where a Palestinian died, it was all about the Jews.
I remember one exchange with a co-worker - mostly a very nice guy who explained a lot about life as a Muslim - from Syria - abd one day he was so angry that the Jews fired a rocket to kill a child. I told him that was ridiculous. He was furious and showed me the article. And I told him it had to be unintentional for no other reason than that the Jews wouldn’t waste a missile if they could kill a child with a bullet.
He did concede that that made some sense but he was pretty hot about it.
I did show him data where Jews are killed almost daily. Wasn’t moved because he believed they should not be there at all. Kind of like fighting with someone squatting on your lawn.