Nintendo Wii Fit


New Member
Anyone plan on getting this? We love the Wii, we all play it and are together more.

Just wondering if any of you exercisers may be getting this tomorrow. I am pretty excited about receiving it. I hope it lives up to my expectations!


New Member
try at midnight tonight, if not, there will be plenty sooner or later. I haven't been able to find a preorder site that wasn't out so I may hit the Walmart in the morning or set the ol' alarm clock for midnight!


You're a LOON :)
try at midnight tonight, if not, there will be plenty sooner or later. I haven't been able to find a preorder site that wasn't out so I may hit the Walmart in the morning or set the ol' alarm clock for midnight!

Do you know how much it is? I heard on the news last night it would be about $90


Common sense ain't common
Pre-ordered mine from on May 8th, it should get here by the end of the week :starcat:


New Member
This is probably the only game for the Wii that I won't even try. If I want exercise...I have bikes and weights. I spend enough time staring at a screen everyday. :)


New Member
I don't want it for exercise. I can't wait for a good snowboarding sim.

I hesitate to think of what that pad is going to do when I know how amazingly the wheel did.

And by amazingly, I mean amazingly at gathering dust on the counter :/


New Member
I hesitate to think of what that pad is going to do when I know how amazingly the wheel did.

And by amazingly, I mean amazingly at gathering dust on the counter :/

yeah, the wheel was a bit of a let down .... but still, it was free.

also, the wii zapper was crap.


In My Opinion
yeah, the wheel was a bit of a let down .... but still, it was free.

also, the wii zapper was crap.
didnt even know about it until I read this thread,
so I googled it and watched a video.

Yep, Im getting it as soon as I find it


You're a LOON :)
I just hope they have enough. The "buy" button doesnt seem to be going anywhere :( I would think they would have run out by now.

Well forget that. I received a confirmation email and then another cancellation email saying it was cancelled to keep me safe. So I tried it again and the same thing happened. Now I am missing $200 from my bank account.. :mad: It's suppose to be credited back.


New Member
$163.99 @ Amazon

:faint: I had a chance to pre-order at a discount of 10%, think I'll try to win one on for less on ebay. :diva:

Edit: Why is it only $89.99 at Sam Goody? :eyebrow: What is missing? Looks like the mat is there. :tap:
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