No Charges Filed Over Mummified Woman


POSTED: 6:51 am EST March 7, 2006

CINCINNATI -- No crime was committed and no charges will be filed in the death of a woman whose mummified body was found in her home 2 1/2 years after she died, the county prosecutor said Wednesday.

The county coroner already had ruled that Johannas Pope, 61, died of heart disease.

"Ms. Pope died of natural causes," Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said Wednesday.

Her body was placed in a chair in front of a television and was slowly mummified by a running air conditioner, the coroner said. Pope had told her daughter and her caregiver that she expected to come back to life, and instructed that she not be buried.

Some family members continued to live downstairs in the house after Pope's death in August 2003. Friends and relatives who visited were told that she was upstairs but ill.

The body was found by police on Jan. 4 after another family member asked for an investigation.