No Death Penalty?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you do an adult crime, you should be punished like an adult.

The term "cruel and unusual punishment" cracks me up when used in reference to punishing violent criminals. Here's a guy who killed someone, raped them, beat them, whatever, and we're worried about being "cruel and unusual" to them. :killingme


vraiblonde said:
If you do an adult crime, you should be punished like an adult.

The term "cruel and unusual punishment" cracks me up when used in reference to punishing violent criminals. Here's a guy who killed someone, raped them, beat them, whatever, and we're worried about being "cruel and unusual" to them. :killingme
:yeahthat: Exactly! If you commit an adult crime you should be punished as an adult. What the hell makes 18 such a special age that you are considered an adult??? Why not 13? If you know the difference between right and wrong, then you know you're commiting a crime. A 13 or 14 or 15 year old definitely knows murder is wrong unless they are mentally incapable. They just gave them a free ticket to kill and not be afraid of the consequences.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

You can give an unborn baby the death penalty and it's perfectly legal. But if that baby grows into a psychotic teenager and murders someone, killing him is "cruel and unusual".

Life in these United States.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
"[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and we use it. That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That's our policy. Right now there's a bill in the Texas legislature that would speed up the execution process of those convicted of a heinous crime with more than three credible witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did you don't sit on death row for 15 years Jack, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. My state's puttin in an EXPRESS LANE."[/font]
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Ron White - Blue Collar Comedy Tour[/font]


"Justices were called on to draw an age line in death cases after Missouri's highest court overturned the death sentence given to a 17-year-old Christopher Simmons, who kidnapped a neighbor in Missouri, hog-tied her and threw her off a bridge. Prosecutors say he planned the burglary and killing of Shirley Crook in 1993 and bragged that he could get away with it because of his age."

"The four most liberal justices had already gone on record in 2002, calling it "shameful" to execute juvenile killers. Those four, joined by Kennedy, also agreed with Tuesday's decision: Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer."

That says it all folks! Liberals have absolutely zero sense of good and evil, or right and wrong. They can't see anything but their narrow little agendas. This bastard carefully plans out the murder of this woman, kills her in one of the worst and cruelist ways possible, and brags that he'll get away with it. This a-hole will be out amongst the World again in about 10 years. And it would be cruel to kill him???

Frist had better get off his lame ass and get that filibuster rule change through and get some decent judges on the courts!!!
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I think the most embarassing part of the opinion written by Justice Kennedy was the part where he mentioned

"It is proper that we acknowledge the overwhelming weight of international opinion against the juvenile death penalty"

I think it loathesome that a United States Supreme Court Justice ignores the constitutional issues and bows even a teeny bit to "international opinion.

Honestly I have no problem with executing adults. I am on the fence when it comes to juveniles. Granted there are some cases where it is particularly warranted due to the heinous nature of the crime. Justice O'Connor and Scalia dissented, O'Connor siting the cases should be judged on a case by case basis, and Scalia saying that the Court has usurped state laws. Both good points.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
That says it all folks! Liberals have absolutely zero sense of good and evil, or right and wrong. They can't see anything but their narrow little agendas. This bastard carefully plans out the murder of this woman, kills her in one of the worst and cruelist ways possible, and brags that he'll get away with it. This a-hole will be out amongst the World again in about 10 years. And it would be cruel to kill him???

Frist had better get off his lame ass and get that filibuster rule change through and get some decent judges on the courts!!!
I think it is time to pull out the impeachment clause. Supreme Court justices and other judges can be impeached.
Pete said:
I think it loathesome that a United States Supreme Court Justice ignores the constitutional issues and bows even a teeny bit to "international opinion.

Concealed carry and off the little bugger before anyone gets a chance to check his ID.


That's why I would love for some Senator or Congressman or woman to enact my Bruzilla Crime Control Act of 2005. It simply states that if you kill anyone, anyone, and are convicted by a jury of twelve of your peers, you're guilty of murder. You then are immediately entitled to a second hearing with your peers, and if you can convince at least 9 out of 12 that the person you off'd had it coming, you get released with the thanks of the People.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
That's why I would love for some Senator or Congressman or woman to enact my Bruzilla Crime Control Act of 2005. It simply states that if you kill anyone, anyone, and are convicted by a jury of twelve of your peers, you're guilty of murder. You then are immediately entitled to a second hearing with your peers, and if you can convince at least 9 out of 12 that the person you off'd had it coming, you get released with the thanks of the People.
The only convictions in D.C., Baltimore and PG County would be cops that off'd a bad guy.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I'm all for the death penalty no matter what the age, but then I'm from Texas, so I'm a little biased.

I hear they are working on a pill for that.

Yet again, America is drug kicking and screaming out of the 19th century...


The Pegster
SamSpade said:
"[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'm from Texas and in Texas we have the death penalty and we use it. That's right, if you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back. That's our policy. Right now there's a bill in the Texas legislature that would speed up the execution process of those convicted of a heinous crime with more than three credible witnesses. If more than three people saw you do what you did you don't sit on death row for 15 years Jack, you go straight to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty. My state's puttin in an EXPRESS LANE."[/font]
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Ron White - Blue Collar Comedy Tour[/font]

Gotta love him!!! :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is the depth of intellectual laziness... limit the punishment that the society can choose to assign. Do we now pretend that there will never be nor ever were violent crimes that merit the taking of the criminals life? Can he or she simply not do enough harm to justify capital punishment? Why not kill all your hostages? it won't cost you any more than the first one.

It is the epitome of absurdity to treat a crime, murder, the one we fear and loathe most, as but another mere property crime and punish accordingly.

In the misguided attempt to cherish and honor life we now throw victims lives into the same class as stealing cars.

This is a monumental victory for modern liberalism and the idea that in society, not individuals, lay ultimate responsibility. This is horrific that we state, through our Supreme Court, that we have nothing, NOTHING that is worth so much that the taker of it must pay with all he has. The criminal has more value than the victim. That is as clear as it gets.

Too bad for us. Too bad.


Routinely Derailed
Nah - shoot the parents. You forgot, this is the society where we aren't allowed to punish our kids when they do wrong and can't force them to do right, and we're threatened with jails/fines when little johnny doesn't go to school.


Larry Gude said:
The criminal has more value than the victim. That is as clear as it gets.

:yeahthat: It's a sad thing. What will it take to wake these people up? And if it happens to them or their family, you'll hear them screaming for justice.


How about Lee Malvo, 17 at the time of the sniper killings? Would you consider the death Penalty in this case? Or should he have been given death?

Or how about the devil's advocate side saying he was brain washed buy a man who stepped in to be a father figure?


Well-Known Member
Kizzy said:
How about Lee Malvo, 17 at the time of the sniper killings? Would you consider the death Penalty in this case? Or should he have been given death?

Or how about the devil's advocate side saying he was brain washed buy a man who stepped in to be a father figure?
Malvo is the poster boy of the hot seat. If there ever was an example the Supreme Court should have considered it was Malvo. The death penalty removes the scum from any chance of ever killing again or even influencing others to kill. For those that whine about his childhood, the death penalty will prevent the scumbag from adding any more dysfunctional children to society. I do not think the death penalty should ever be imposed on circumstantial evidence, ever. We probably wouldn't be arguing about this subject at this time if DNA hadn't shown there was a lot of miscarriages of justice mainly because of circumstantial evidence. If he/she is unquestionably guilty, send their butt to hell, if there is a hell but that's another subject :razz: