No Death Penalty?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Without hesitation...

How about Lee Malvo, 17 at the time of the sniper killings? Would you consider the death Penalty in this case? Or should he have been given death?

17. Remember when you were 17? Did you do stupid things? Surely, but did you engage in a plan to sytematically assassinate human beings?

I have no doubt that to a huge degree John Mohamed influenced and even 'brainwashed' the youngster. Was he talked into selling some grass? Scamming little old ladies out of their Social Security checks?

It is one thing to say a kid that done wrong and was heavily influenced into doing some crimes needs or maybe deserves a second chance.

It is entirely another to say that same kid, after helping pull the trigger on innocent human beings and kill them, end their lives, deserves anything more than extinction.

The point is that, to me, there is such a thing as going too far and a court and a judge, for justice to mean anything, MUST be able to say 'this here crime goes beyond the line and this kid must pay with his life.'

We always forget, once the bodies are long in the ground, what the victim lost. We turn to focusing on what is left, the perps life.

Malvo didn't shoot some fellow gangbanger in a driveby. He put cross hairs on total strangers, without provocation or motive and played God.

To put it another way, if we say 'young Malvo cannot pay with his life for his crime because he was too young and did not know what he was doing aren't we also saying to young Malvo 'we will punish you not at all because you were to young to know what you were doing.'

Anti death penalty folks argue all the time that long prison sentences are worse than death anyway. So, if it is cruel and unusual to put to death someone under 18, then isn't it also cruel and unusual to lock him up for a long time?

Lastly, what is the point of the judge and jury if they cannot pass judgment?

The victims MUST be more important than their murderer.

This is insane.

Lastly, the only thing cruel and unusual about this, Malvo in particular, was riding around in the trunk of a car murdering people.
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Larry Gude said:
The victims MUST be more important than their murderer.

This is insane.

And that's a great point. With today's judges and our legal system, the criminal's rights are more important. I didn't say "it seems" that the criminals rights are more important. THEY ARE! Or at least our permissive society has made them more important. Gun laws, death penalty revocation, etc. all favor the criminal. When is this country going to wake up and stop voting idiots into office? When it gets bad enough, expect another civil war.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

When it gets bad enough, expect another civil war.

Continue to speek out. Vote. Make you opinion known. Write all your congress people, state and Federal, and tell them what you think.

It took time to mess things up politically, it'll take time to fix it.

Be patient. That's the greatness of our system. We CAN change it peacefully.




You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

In my best Arnold voice, "I'll be back."

You have expressed some excellent points. :clap:

I fear that by putting in place a law that states "NOBODY under the age of 18 can be executed" that we limit our ability as citizens to serve justice on a case by case basis.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Thank you Kizzy...

...I'm not re-inventing the wheel, just arguing what I think is plain for all to see.

It is simple to understand the deisre to not execute 'children'. One side argues that we are the only modern, industrialized nation that does so which makes us barbaric in their view.

Having said that, it is just as simple to take the next step and say it is 'barbaric' for the state, which is entrusted with the responsibility to promote the general welfare, to take an adult life.

Now, having said that, I don't understand why the debate then doesn't move on to the next logical step; whom are we executing?

Barney the Dinosauer? While that may be a good idea with popular support, being annoying is not grounds for forfeiting ones life.

What if that chick who made babies with her 12 year old student and went to jail for it had coerced him into killing her husband? I have no idea if she was even married before but it's simple to see this happening.

So, the kid, who was obviously mature enough to make babies and from pictures I've seen was a big, strong kid, commits a crime of passion. Does he deserve the chair?

Probably not. Besides, anyone who would marry her to begin with had to recognize she was not normal and therefore a prior husband was, at minimum, choosing to be with an unstable person. Lotta circumstances.

Malvo gunned down you and me leaving the Home Depot or pumping gas. I don't even begin to understand the desire to spare the life of a 17 year old kid/adult who would do such a thing. Not once, not twice, but a killing spree.

Save him for what?

In any event, let the jury, who hear all the evidence and testimony of experts and specialists make the call. If they decide the kid ws so screwed up and may well be able to become a responsible citizen, so be it. They are the jury and that's how we do it.

I mean, we got the same people, anti death penalty, who argue a 14 year old girl is mature enough to decided wether or not to get an abortion. The same people argue it's OK to hand out condoms at school sans parental consent.

Malvo crossed the biggest line and I say, once again, how in the hell is a kid who done wrong more important than his victims?

I'm running on and on about this and I'd love to hear why I'm wrong.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I mean, we got the same people, anti death penalty, who argue a 14 year old girl is mature enough to decided wether or not to get an abortion. The same people argue it's OK to hand out condoms at school sans parental consent.
This is my biggest problem with this new pro-criminal ruling. You're old enough to have sex. You're old enough to then abort that child without parental notification. But you're still too young to know what you're doing if you kill someone in cold blood.

Liberals are hypocrites of the worst form. You have to wonder if they aren't all brain damaged or something.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Larry Gude said:
...He put cross hairs on total strangers, without provocation or motive and played God.
To me, people who can do that- prey on anyone, anywhere, completely randomly- are the absolute worst of the worst.

I have had mixed feelings on the death penalty and gone back and forth- but at the same time I think it's ridiculous to have it and not use it equally.

I thought the exact same thing as Vince said at the beginning of this thread: If you've got a grudge against someone you better deal with it before you're 18! You're free to go now!

I'm so damn sick of people defending kids for everything. THE KIDS! THE KIDS! Sure, sometimes their parents screw them up but you know what... those that are able to think for themselves... time to accept some responsibility already.
Things like this? No WONDER so many kids today are so screwed up in their lack of respect or responsibility for ANYthing.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
vraiblonde said:
This is my biggest problem with this new pro-criminal ruling. You're old enough to have sex. You're old enough to then abort that child without parental notification. But you're still too young to know what you're doing if you kill someone in cold blood.

Liberals are hypocrites of the worst form. You have to wonder if they aren't all brain damaged or something.

I consider myself pretty liberal but definitely wouldn't lump myself into this view at all. I think in most cases where kids killed someone and it isn't an accident- they knew exactly what they were doing. I can't stand it when people will argue that a kid can't be tried for a murder like an adult. You kill like an adult, then you can take the responsibility for it like an adult too.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It's up to the states that choose to impose the death penalty based on crime and not age to step forward and declare this decision to be in violation of their Constitutionally protected right to run their state. It's judicial legislation at its worse.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
See Vrai...

...Mr. Sunshine himself has some 5,000,000 of them karma point things. I only got 180,000 or so.

How the hell can THAT be????

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...Mr. Sunshine himself has some 5,000,000 of them karma point things. I only got 180,000 or so.

How the hell can THAT be????
Guess I'm just brighter. :lol:
Larry Gude said:
...Mr. Sunshine himself has some 5,000,000 of them karma point things. I only got 180,000 or so.

How the hell can THAT be????
I can only speak for myself and all I can say is "meeee looove me some Mr. King"...:dance:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...Mr. Sunshine himself has some 5,000,000 of them karma point things. I only got 180,000 or so.

How the hell can THAT be????
Because you're not a hen, a cow or a dog. :shrug:


vraiblonde said:
If you do an adult crime, you should be punished like an adult.

The term "cruel and unusual punishment" cracks me up when used in reference to punishing violent criminals. Here's a guy who killed someone, raped them, beat them, whatever, and we're worried about being "cruel and unusual" to them. :killingme

Vraiblonde for President :patriot:


Vince said:
You would make a good president. You couldn't do worse than some of these azzholes, but than neither could I. :killingme
She don't sugar coat anything and shoots straight.

What a refreshing thought :patriot: She's got my vote