No gas for cooking


I bowl overhand
Cows too!! They would rather we all starve to death to "save the environment"

We had Dr Phil on in the background at home the other day, and it was a Millenials and Boomer.. and the Millenials kept blaming the crappy environment on the Boomers.. And not once did anyone mention what our environment was like when we grew up, and how much our generation did to fix it. Millenials have no idea what the point of diminishing returns are, and that our generation solved 90% or more of the environmental issues, leaving them just the last 10% that really doesn't need resolution.. how clean is clean enough??


Just sneakin' around....
Throughout that article, it was "could", "might". No actual factual data that cooking actually causes harm.

One benefit to having gas that was brought up was dependence. If the electric goes out, you can still cook. One of the reasons I've always had a gas stove.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Throughout that article, it was "could", "might". No actual factual data that cooking actually causes harm.

One benefit to having gas that was brought up was dependence. If the electric goes out, you can still cook. One of the reasons I've always had a gas stove.
Especially if you have to cook your thawed out freezer contents.

black dog

Free America
Cows too!! They would rather we all starve to death to "save the environment"

We had Dr Phil on in the background at home the other day, and it was a Millenials and Boomer.. and the Millenials kept blaming the crappy environment on the Boomers.. And not once did anyone mention what our environment was like when we grew up, and how much our generation did to fix it. Millenials have no idea what the point of diminishing returns are, and that our generation solved 90% or more of the environmental issues, leaving them just the last 10% that really doesn't need resolution.. how clean is clean enough??
I show them cars that lasted 80,000 miles and the oil/grease strip that was in the middle of each lane in the roadway.


Well-Known Member
Throughout that article, it was "could", "might". No actual factual data that cooking actually causes harm.

One benefit to having gas that was brought up was dependence. If the electric goes out, you can still cook. One of the reasons I've always had a gas stove.
Back when I was young & newly married, we lived in flat tops.
They all had gas stoves & fireplaces in them, albeit most people didn't use their fireplaces...
The ice storm of '94 convinced me that a gas stove and a fireplace...whether gas or wood burning were 2 musts in my house


Well-Known Member
I always thought ballot initiatives were a good idea. Then I looked closely at California.
Ballot initiatives are a good idea, still need to be voted on and signed by the governor so it's not like a backdoor to get laws passed. It's a great way to get something with popular support voted on even when no particular legislator wants it tied to their name.

People complain about out-of-staters running programs to sponsor initiatives, but I don't see the problem since those out-of-staters can't do the actual voting.

The only "problem" is when you have a uber-majority party in the state, then these initiatives can speed the progress towards more fringe laws. A legislator might be hesitant to propose something that sounds good but may have unintended consequences where the "mob" could steamrole the process. Would still require the governor's buyoff though.


Just sneakin' around....
The ice storm of '94 convinced me that a gas stove and a fireplace
That one convinced me that a generator was a must.
Mine was Hurricane Gloria back in the 80s. Got my first generator the day the storm was to hit, and it got used non-stop for 2 weeks while everyone recovered. Just sold that generator a few years back to another forumite. Parents always has a gas stove, and it's benefits were noted.


Just sneakin' around....
I also bought a propane camp stove and enamelware percolator coffee pot.
Had both forever, since I was a kid. Still use both. Also have a Primus stove and a tiny backpack stove as part of my bug out kit.
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