No more NFL...

I am with...

  • ...the millionaires

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • ...the billionaires

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • ...neither

    Votes: 25 69.4%
  • ...both

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're neglecting the fact that these people have already been given a very high priced education, is that never going to be put to use?

I double checked for the 'sarcasm' smilie and didn't see one.

I'm not saying that you can't focus and get an education while you are there; just that it is a bit of a challenge when you are there to play football first and foremost.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I double checked for the 'sarcasm' smilie and didn't see one.

I'm not saying that you can't focus and get an education while you are there; just that it is a bit of a challenge when you are there to play football first and foremost.

So they wasted something that 99% of graduating seniors would kill for? You're not getting my sympathy level any higher.


Football addict
Point being, I think there is room to care a bit more for the players.


Boo to the Hoo!

There's no room to care for the players, they're simply overpaid.

They're not dragged into pro football kickin', screamin' and breakin' their nails along the way. They make the choice to take short-term wealth over long-term health.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Boo to the Hoo!

There's no room to care for the players, they're simply overpaid.

They're not dragged into pro football kickin', screamin' and breakin' their nails along the way. They make the choice to take short-term wealth over long-term health.

Another humanitarian! :lol:


They're out to get us
I'm much more on the side of the owners. Why should the players have a voice in how much money the owners make? Agree to play at a negotiated price, and do your job as a player. If you do well, you might negotiate better for the next contract. If you don't do that well in relation to the rest of your competition, good bye. Maybe I'm looking at it too simplistically.
You are looking at it too simplistically. You tell them to play at a negotiated price -- what do you think they're doing? Negotiating a price! The owners are trying to take away ~1/4 of the pay pool while expanding their own revenue with an extended season.

With an 18 game season, the owners are proposing the players rack up more injuries resulting in shorter careers while getting paid less and having fewer medical benefits after retirement...all while the NFL has been saying they care about the players and are trying to protect them from injuries. Can you say hypocritical??

The issue isn't necessarily about how much the owners make. The players claim the owners are doing just fine financially and don't need more money, while the owners say they're losing money. The players are saying "ok, fine...if you're LOSING money and need more then show us your books, prove it to us, and we can begin discussing ways to accomodate." The owners refuse to open their books, so the players won't budge on reducing their rates.

It's not the players concerned about the owners profit margins, it's the owners crying poor. That's a complete 180 of what you're saying. The players would be happy to keep the revenue similar to what it has been in past seasons and even offered a minor pay cut. They are fighting over post career benefits, the 18 game season, and not getting their own salaries cut down too much by "owner greed".

Lets not forget that this league and all of that profit is because of what the PLAYERS do on the field and not what the owners do from the front office. The talent deserves to be paid. It's a dangerous sport that we love to watch and we pay to watch. Pay the people putting their necks on the line for our amusement.

Putting everything a side, I don't know why the owners care if they make money off of their team. They already have businesses making them money. Owning an NFL team should be like a toy that is the prize of your collection. More to look at and enjoy than to make another part of the money grubbing empire. Its for the fans enjoyment.

This kind of crap is why I enjoy college football. It's for the love of the game and not as much about the money.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You are looking at it too simplistically. You tell them to play at a negotiated price -- what do you think they're doing? Negotiating a price! The owners are trying to take away ~1/4 of the pay pool while expanding their own revenue with an extended season.

With an 18 game season, the owners are proposing the players rack up more injuries resulting in shorter careers while getting paid less and having fewer medical benefits after retirement...all while the NFL has been saying they care about the players and are trying to protect them from injuries. Can you say hypocritical??

The issue isn't necessarily about how much the owners make. The players claim the owners are doing just fine financially and don't need more money, while the owners say they're losing money. The players are saying "ok, fine...if you're LOSING money and need more then show us your books, prove it to us, and we can begin discussing ways to accomodate." The owners refuse to open their books, so the players won't budge on reducing their rates.

It's not the players concerned about the owners profit margins, it's the owners crying poor. That's a complete 180 of what you're saying. The players would be happy to keep the revenue similar to what it has been in past seasons and even offered a minor pay cut. They are fighting over post career benefits, the 18 game season, and not getting their own salaries cut down too much by "owner greed".

Lets not forget that this league and all of that profit is because of what the PLAYERS do on the field and not what the owners do from the front office. The talent deserves to be paid. It's a dangerous sport that we love to watch and we pay to watch. Pay the people putting their necks on the line for our amusement.

Putting everything a side, I don't know why the owners care if they make money off of their team. They already have businesses making them money. Owning an NFL team should be like a toy that is the prize of your collection. More to look at and enjoy than to make another part of the money grubbing empire. Its for the fans enjoyment.

This kind of crap is why I enjoy college football. It's for the love of the game and not as much about the money.
You're not looking at it simplistically enough, there are employers and employees. The employers say this is what we are offering you, and the employee says yes or no. It's not the employees place to dictate the terms of his employment.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're not looking at it simplistically enough, there are employers and employees. The employers say this is what we are offering you, and the employee says yes or no. It's not the employees place to dictate the terms of his employment.

The employers in this case have special exemption, monopoly protection, via the acceptance of collective bargaining by the players who sign off on the special status.

It's not the employers place to dictate anti trust law. They, like the players, enter into a deal, to get this.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The employers in this case have special exemption, monopoly protection, via the acceptance of collective bargaining by the players who sign off on the special status.

It's not the employers place to dictate anti trust law. They, like the players, enter into a deal, to get this.
I don't understand this point, could you please clarify it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't understand this point, could you please clarify it.

Can't give you chapter and verse but, in exchange for the right to have a players union, the players wave the right to sue the owners under anti trust laws. This is why the first step was to decertify the union so hat the players could then regain the right to sue.


Nothing to see here
Point being, I think there is room to care a bit more for the players.


Nope...In 3 years, they can make what an average person makes in a lifetime..okay, they retire, with, in most cases, a college education, plus the notoriety of playing in the NFL..They have a step up on the majority of their peers. Screw em, let em all go and hire scabs. Unions came about because of unfair labor practices, slave labor basically; the benefits and wages nowadays are beyond the pale, let em sit.

I despise Snyder, but I will support the owners every step of the way. What have the unions done for the auto biz in this country?? run em all into the ground or overseas...Unions are scum and sucking the blood out of this country.


You are looking at it too simplistically. You tell them to play at a negotiated price -- what do you think they're doing? Negotiating a price! The owners are trying to take away ~1/4 of the pay pool while expanding their own revenue with an extended season.

With an 18 game season, the owners are proposing the players rack up more injuries resulting in shorter careers while getting paid less and having fewer medical benefits after retirement...all while the NFL has been saying they care about the players and are trying to protect them from injuries. Can you say hypocritical??

The issue isn't necessarily about how much the owners make. The players claim the owners are doing just fine financially and don't need more money, while the owners say they're losing money. The players are saying "ok, fine...if you're LOSING money and need more then show us your books, prove it to us, and we can begin discussing ways to accomodate." The owners refuse to open their books, so the players won't budge on reducing their rates.

It's not the players concerned about the owners profit margins, it's the owners crying poor. That's a complete 180 of what you're saying. The players would be happy to keep the revenue similar to what it has been in past seasons and even offered a minor pay cut. They are fighting over post career benefits, the 18 game season, and not getting their own salaries cut down too much by "owner greed".

Lets not forget that this league and all of that profit is because of what the PLAYERS do on the field and not what the owners do from the front office. The talent deserves to be paid. It's a dangerous sport that we love to watch and we pay to watch. Pay the people putting their necks on the line for our amusement.

Putting everything a side, I don't know why the owners care if they make money off of their team. They already have businesses making them money. Owning an NFL team should be like a toy that is the prize of your collection. More to look at and enjoy than to make another part of the money grubbing empire. Its for the fans enjoyment.

This kind of crap is why I enjoy college football. It's for the love of the game and not as much about the money.

I was totally on board with you until the last sentence......CFB is quickly becoming NFL Light, not about the love and all about the money...otherwise we'd have a playoff and we wouldn't be seeing all of the infractions we are seeing.


You guys can't be serious....the XFL was more painful to watch than......well....the NBA....not quite the WNBA...but close.

I'm dead ####ing serious.

The XFL all about the fun and flash and I don't care what anyone says, I liked it. Obviously the quality of the players (and therefore the quality of the games themselves) would have gotten better if it survived. I didn't go in there expecting AAA players the very first season.

Maybe that's why I liked it. I didn't have unreasonable expectations.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm dead ####ing serious.

The XFL all about the fun and flash and I don't care what anyone says, I liked it. Obviously the quality of the players (and therefore the quality of the games themselves) would have gotten better if it survived. I didn't go in there expecting AAA players the very first season.

Maybe that's why I liked it. I didn't have unreasonable expectations.

I liked the USFL but, I never liked Canadian or the XFL. The USFL was 'real' football.

CFL is just odd, the men in motion, the size of the field and the XFL was like what the NFL has become; over marketed, over hyped, all sorts of emphasis on things that had nothing to do with football.

I half expect the league to seriously consider using the XFL's lacrosse way of starting games, allow Ray Lewis and the rest of these bump and grinders to just go ahead and do a strip tease during introductions, call it the 'blue zone' and have it sponsored, while tripling the fines for 'excess' celebration when they actually score. Maybe start having one player on each team certified performance enhancers free and award extra points for anything he does?